SHARI: Life After the Post-Partum Haze

Where have Kendall and I gone?! Nowhere in particular.

For me, the past two months (or really since my baby’s first birthday in July) have been about finding me again. I got kind of lost in the post-partum haze. Not in a bad way though, I think the first year of a baby’s life should be about them… caring for them, nurturing them, loving them, and watching them hit milestone after milestone. I enjoyed Koralyn’s first year of life. It didn’t fly by it took the perfect amount of time. It is a year I will replay in my head and look back fondly on. I gave myself and my body so much grace. I didn’t want to bounce back, I didn’t want to workout as punishment for my soft squishy body… I mean, I was feeding a tiny human and producing more milk than I ever imagined. Every ounce of my energy quite literally went to my baby and wow, did she grow and excel. I’m so proud of us both. Although it is hard for me to admit that work and the rest of my sweet family got a very low-energy version of me (kidding but not).

Those of you in the depths post-partum or on the brink of it… it’s really nothing to fear and for most people it can last longer than a year (technically up to seven years). My best advice is to give you during post-partum is to give yourself so much grace and then when a weird expectation or self-loathing shows up, consciously say NO to those thoughts! They will never serve you. Also stay aware of how you are feeling. Post-partum depression is sneaky. Reach out to mom-friends for support. Talk about how you are feeling, do not bottle it up. Your spouse or partner cannot read your mind no matter how ‘in-tune’ with you they are. Ask for help even when you think you don’t need it. Delegate tasks, you are running at a lower speed than normal. Try your best to stop comparing yourself and/or your baby to others. Milestones happen over time and your baby will hit them when they are ready. You deserve to heal and conserve that precious energy and brain power. Being a mom is a lot. Sending you a giant comforting and encouraging hug.

Something shifted for me after Koralyn’s first birthday. Still breastfeeding, although significantly less, I decided I wanted to workout again because it simply feels good to move and lift with a purpose. I wasn’t sedentary for 12 months but “working out” for me consisted of walks, stretching, and lifting my baby CONSTANTLY! So I re-joined my gym and did a simple 5-day a week workout plan from Bethany Ruth on Instagram. In the first month I lost about 5 lbs, although I was so proud of myself, I knew I wanted to tackle nutrition too. Alex and I chatted with our friend and nutritionist (and also our gym owner) Jackie. She encouraged us to do the Restart Program with her as our nutritionist and we both agreed. Ultimately the program is a sugar detox and focuses on whole foods (NO processed food) along with an education element and weekly meetings with Jackie that Alex and I both really appreciated. We saw results immediately. Different but similar to clean Keto that we did in 2021 (pre-baby).

Today is day 40 of the Restart Program which is technically only a 4-week program and we have clearly stuck with it because we feel good. I feel like I am out of the post-partum haze and getting back to myself and my health again. Koralyn is still a huge priority to me AND I am also a priority. It’s not a perfect system… some days are easier than others to workout or meal-prep but the effort and the work has paid off. My birthday is this month and I am turning 36! I can’t imagine a better way to welcome the next year than by feeling the BEST I can possibly feel while also fueling my body to get stronger. I want to watch my baby grow, I want to play with her, I want to cherish her childhood because I know I am in “the good ole days” and I want to soak it all in! Happy birthday month to me. Bye bye, post-partum haze!

Kendall: Accepting the Skort

Thanks to my husband doing the math with me, I can say with confidence that I am 35 years old (I tend to forget). When I was 28 I stopped caring about my age. I didn’t want to become that person that laments getting older. It’s inevitable so we all might as well accept it. The markers of aging have hit me harder since having kids. After giving birth to my daughter, my skin changed. And not in a pretty way. After giving birth to my son, my body has changed. While I am the same weight I was before getting pregnant, I don’t look it. I’ve stretched. I have wobbly bits. My usual exercise and eating habits don’t seem to be making much of a dent.

I know all of this is a part of getting older. I don’t hate it. Do I wish that my efforts in the gym and kitchen matched what my body looks like? Yes. BUT, what I have learned and have accepted is that everything changes. I am making an effort to get to know my body again. I don’t want to hate her. She has grown and birthed two babies. I owe her kindness. So, I am committing to challenging myself. I need to try different stuff in the gym. I need to figure out what makes my body feel good. And guess what? Right now, my body loves totally new things.

Along with a changing body comes the changing of fashion stuff. I like black. My husband is always shocked when I wear color. This year I promised myself to branch out with my color choices. And I have. I’ve stopped being so critical about every angle of my body. When I was in the Dominican Republic, I saw women of all shapes and sizes strutting around the resort not giving a flying f^*k about what they looked like. I was envious. Confidence really is sexy AF. If they could be confident, why can’t I? That trip not only relaxed me but gave me back something. I looked in the mirror and saw that I am not that bad. I am just fine! It’s time to stop telling myself what I can’t wear or don’t want to wear and just do it. For example? Sometimes a bra is freaking overrated. You know how heavy breasts can be strapped into a prison cell all day? God bless nipple covers. Don’t want to wear my signature Zella leggings? Skorts sure are comfortable. I used to hate skorts and thought only little girls and old people wore them. Nope, I wear them. And I accept them. Actually, I really like them. They are ridiculously comfortable and flattering.

Aging is hard in the sense that I don’t feel older. I only feel older when I look at my skin. But even then I have been making a big effort the past few years to use good products and believe me, they have made a difference. I firmly believe that skin care is one of the most underrated areas of self-care. The reality is that we need to start looking after our skin when we are young. I am not in denial… I know I am going to age. That’s fine! I just want my body to be as healthy as it can be and HOW I get there changes as I age. So, I have to get to know myself in every season. Sometimes my skin needs moisture. Sometimes I need a peel. Sometimes I need a really good facial to keep everything in check. Sometimes, it’s as simple as water, sleep, and nutritious food.

For some, getting older means not having to try as hard. And I get that. I really do. What I have realized for me is that I have to work at keeping myself healthy. Was the bagel sandwich I just had for breakfast necessary? Probably not. Was it good? Sure was. Did it make me happy and full? Sure did. Did my workout this morning feel good to my body? HECK yes, it did. Finding balance is important so I am trying my darnedest to find it. I am figuring it out. I accept that I am no longer 25 with 25 year old hormones and ability to lose 10 pounds with two weeks at the gym. I accept the hard work I need to put in and that I have already put in. I accept that I need to have confidence. Heck, I even accept the skort.

Shari’s No Committee Season

The rumors are true, I am no longer on any boards, committees or volunteer groups (outside of work). I am on a hiatus and I am totally fine with it. Actually I am more than fine, I am thrilled to have a lack of commitment in a season where I just want to soak up my baby and all her sweet milestones. But before I gush about my lack of commitments and responsibilities let me remind you that I spent the last 20 years of my life apart of at minimum – two organizations leading in some capacity. There was a point in the not-so-distant past that I was the President of three different organizations. PRESIDENT… simultaneously! Without a doubt, I learned so much as I held those important roles and while leadership comes with it’s own amount of stress there is also something special about watching an organization increase in membership, develop a solid structure, and host successful (and FUN) events under your leadership. Each time I left my Presidential role, I passed the torch to someone that I worked with closely and it always felt so good knowing that the group was continuing on in more than capable hands. Although I am still a member of several organizations, it feels nice to just attend like a regular member and enjoy the lack of responsibility. Ahh, bliss!

From Daughters of Norway to SheJumps, I have had the pleasure of holding leadership positions for organizations I could go on and on about for hours. But for now I will just highlight two. Daughters of Norway is an impressive sisterhood that is committed to carrying on the traditions of our motherland, Scandinavia. I am still an active member but it feels good to attend the meetings from the audience these days! SheJumps is all about getting women and girls outdoors. I held numerous events from guiding an Intro Into Snowshoeing to hosting a multi-day class for Wilderness First Aid Training. I loved putting on events that made women feel more confident in their ability to simply enjoy the outdoors and further their desire to explore our beautiful area. It never gets old when you are doing something you are passionate about. However, burnout is a real issue for people that continue to give more than they are truly able. I love that I can still be a part of these organizations without holding a leadership role. Maybe in the future I will again but for now I like that I can refocus on myself and my family.

Honestly, I have been waiting years for this, this freedom. Sorry to anyone reading that may take offense to that. I wasn’t counting down the days to toss out my committee commitments (say that ten times fast). Somewhere in the past year between pregnancy, birth, maternity leave, post partum, a demanding profession, travel, juggling family life, and my “extra” commitments… I realized that I needed to have a season of nothing. A season of just cherishing my little girl, enjoying time with my husband, and figuring out how to prioritize myself. That last part is the key. Figuring out how to re-prioritize myself. I can’t overcomplicate this season with unnecessary extras. I’d lose myself in the process if I did. If I had any extra commitments right now I’d be pouring from an empty cup and that just isn’t fair to anyone, especially me.

As I navigate this new season I seem to be asking others different questions. I want to know what you are passionate about? Are you in a season of volunteering your time or are you figuring out how to re-prioritize yourself (too)?

I genuinely would like to know in the comments below ❤

This photo is from a SheJumps event where I lead a group of ladies on a snowshoeing adventure!

The Art of Friendship

The Art of Friendship

As I prepare for one of my closest friends to visit this week, I have been reflecting on the idea of friendship. Truth be told, friendships are one of my biggest sources of anxiety. In my teenage years, friendships were always dramatic and hurtful. People who were supposed to be my friends, really hurt me. I was already a dramatic young woman and those experiences just took me up a notch. I could cringe at so many memories of myself from that time. All around, it was just a disaster of a time; as is normal for a lot of teenagers. The trauma of that has sort of stuck with me even though I learned a lot from it.

Over the years as I have grown up, matured, and changed, I have gone through phases of what it means to be a friend. I tend to be overly loyal. What I mean by this is that if you are in my life, you are IN it. This can sometimes be toxic to myself. It adds pressure and expectations that I don’t necessarily have the mental capacity to handle. I have to actively work to not take people so seriously in terms of what they are willing to give me as a friend. This is where boundaries have started coming up.

While friends are important, nothing and no one is as important as my family. If a party or coffee date conflicts with something regarding my family, I am not really in. If someone has a problem that my life revolves around two kids under 5, I don’t really hang out with them. AND that is ok. It doesn’t make us bad friends or people. What it means is that in this season of life is about the priority of bed times, snuggles, building forts, making lunches and snacks upon snacks. In time, that will change and as such, how I friend will change. One thing that all of my experiences of friendship has taught me is that you will not always get along/ see eye to eye with a friend and that because of that it doesn’t make your friendship less meaningful. Part of my friendship trauma that took a long time to understand is my insecurity. Am I good enough? Creative enough? Understanding enough? Giving enough? Funny enough? Cool enough? Protective enough? Trying to answer all those things can actually make you a worse friend; at least it has for me. The truth is this: who gives a f*@k. I am never going to everything someone needs just as someone is never going to everything I need. In my journey of always trying to please people, I ended up really hating myself. It took me YEARS to recover from those feelings that swirled around me. It made me a bit of a toxic person and bit more of a toxic friend. I was never a “bad” friend but I wasn’t really myself sometimes. The self discovery journey really is a bitch sometimes.

What I look for in a friend now is super simple. Do you see my heart and accept the craziness of it? Do you understand my current priorities but still see ME as a woman underneath it all? Do I do those things for you? To keep it simple, there is no middle ground. The answers are either “yes” or “no.” Take people as they are and believe who they tell you they are. Friendships should RARELY be complicated or painful. Meet people where they are and be okay with having that expectation in return.

In the past year since my son was born, I have really changed the way I see myself as a friend. I am not sure why but his birth made me more accepting, loving, and simple. Simple can have a bad connotation but in this instance, I mean it as a good thing. I keep things simple. If I start to overcomplicate friendships, I get an anxiety attack. So keeping things simple is really important. Keeping simple expectations of myself AND of people has made me a happier person.

With that said, I can’t wait for Kate to show up tomorrow. Kate is someone who has seen me through A LOT and still likes me. To be fair, we have seen each other through so many phases of our adult lives and I am beyond grateful to have her in my life. She is a blessing to not only my life but the life of my family. A good friend is very precious- treasure them!

Shari’s At-Home Gel Manicure *updated*

This is still a post I reference often! People ask about my nails all the time and if they are interested in doing their own at home I always point them to this blog post. Nearly three years later I am still doing my nails the same way and I love how they turn out. Sometimes I will go a week or two between my home manicure… let’s be honest, I don’t have as much time these days with a baby in tow 🙂 Enjoy my at-home gel manicure *updated* post.

One thing I missed when quarantine started was my monthly trips to the nail salon. I got desperate right before my wedding to get my nails done and luckily I had a friend that owned a UV light and a few gel polish colors. A light pink was perfect for my COVID wedding manicure and I loved it so much that I decided to buy my own UV light and starter gel polish kit. Best. Decision. Ever. The set up paid for itself after using it twice! In truth, it costs at least $30-40 per trip to the nail salon for a gel manicure. For my home kit, I paid $60 and got the UV light AND an assortment of gel polish colors. This was indeed an investment that, for me, was worth it!
**Side note: I am the type of person who likes doing my nails. I know that this topic will not apply to everyone (Kendall HATES doing her own nails) but if you enjoy doing your nails and your kid’s nails then this post is for you.

My Gel Manicure Items (updated links 5/26/2023):

UV Light
Beetle Gel Polish Set
Nail Care Kit

Prep your nails (clip, file, shape, trim cuticles, lightly buff nail beds, wash hands with water only)

Get gel set ready (Foundation Gel, Color Gel, and Top Coat Gel)

Cure between each coat of polish with UV Light 

*My tips include: pushing back your cuticles or cleaning them up ahead of time, rough up your nail beds by using a fine grain nail file (or buffer) and then clean off the dust with just water and a towel before you do your first foundation coat. This helps the polish attach to your nail better and will reduce the risk of the gel lifting away from the nail too soon.

**Bonus, especially for kids, there is no extra dry time. 60 seconds under the light and your nails are dry!

Viola! Enjoy your cute new nails. I highly recommend watching some youtube tutorials or researching some best practices.

Kendall: Reflections on Marriage

Marrying my husband after six and a half months was the best decision of my entire life.

Before I dive into my marriage though, let me say this: not everyone should get married that quickly. Ok, that’s out of the way…

Issy and I got married at the courthouse and then only days later, moved to a whole new country. Talk about change; we have endured it in spades. Committing to Israel was one of the most sacred and intimate things I have ever done. The commitment that we have made to each other both spiritually and legally is the binding of our book that houses our story. Investing in him changed my life (for the better). It allowed me to grow my own family. Being with my husband has made me more open to change. Last month (April) marked our 7 year anniversary. I have absolutely no 7 year itch. Our love for each other is deeper than it was in 2016. Our life is more beautiful than ever. We know each other better and we prioritize each other and our children over anyone and anything else. Our binding to each other isn’t a prison but is actually the most freeing part of my life.

Not every moment has been cake. We have faced our struggles in so many different areas of our life. We cope with things differently. Issy is the “talk it out” one while I am the “leave me alone to digest” one. We have conflict. We have scary life moments. We have days where it’s hard to communicate because we are just so caught up in everything. But we always come back together because we are each other’s peace. Together, we are stronger. Together, we figure it out. Being his wife makes me happy. It’s not the only role I have but it is one of my most valuable. To love someone in all the good, bad, ugly, raw, and beautiful moments and have them love you the same way in return is humbling.

After 7 years, here’s what I know so far:
1) Court each other. Don’t stop dating and learning about one another.
2) Check your ego at the door. You aren’t the only one that matters. Marriage is humbling so be prepared to question yourself but find an even better version of yourself.
3) Don’t forget sex. It matters. A lot. Intimacy births not only babies but a deeper connection to one another.
4) Don’t be petty. There may be a lot of things that bother you sometimes but if you are going to bring everything up, you only look like you can’t handle sharing your life and like you are out to hurt your partner. Be above it.
5) Respect other couples. Don’t compare yourselves to anyone. That is dangerous to not only your own self but to the foundation of your marriage.
6) Prioritize each other. No one comes before your wife or husband (well, your kids, but you get what I am saying). Don’t allow friends or family to play games with your relationship or try and dictate anything. That’s toxic for all involved.
7) Remember that every phase of your relationship is a season. You will grow, have different responsibilities and trials, and life changes. Go through it all together.

My only regret is that I didn’t meet my husband sooner and that I spent so much time trying to figure the whole love thing out. But I met him when I was supposed to and that gives me so much peace and gratefulness for what I learned before him.

Some people call marriage nothing more than a piece of paper. If you are thinking about it that way, then yeah- you shouldn’t get married and that’s all good. Love and commitment come in different forms. With that said, I also think we are in this weird place where we shame people for getting married and/or we expect them to fail because, well, lots of marriages do. My last piece of advice is this– if you love someone, take a chance. But do it because you love that person- not because you love the idea of that person or what life could be like. Those things are important but mean nothing if you don’t fully love the person. If you are too scared, you are leaving the door open for either of you to walk away from each other. Marriage can be challenging enough- don’t make it harder.

Mothers, women, ladies… listen up!

Photo by Beyza Efe on

For ALL the women, I have a reminder for you. 

Don’t wait for the perfect time to… wear the special dress, buy yourself the flowers, book the spa day, use the bath bomb you’ve been “saving”, eat the chocolate from France, light the expensive candle, use the fancy dishes, and book the trip. There will never be the right moment. There will never be the right time. Now. Now is the right time and the perfect moment. 

Where is this coming from you may ask. A few months ago, I posted about my godmother and Aunt, Kory. She passed away in February and we have been slowly going through her estate. Throwing away old coupons, photos, magazines, news articles, etc and saving a few special cards, family pictures, and heirloom items. It has been an emotional and also a mind numbing process (mainly for my cousin who is the executor of her will). As I have helped, I’ve had my moments of feeling sad about the items we are tossing, thinking to myself “but she loved that” or “should we keep this” but sadly those items have little to no value to anyone else. 

As we sort through her beloved trinkets, artwork, and more, I have to say, I am proud of her for doing what made her happy and NOT WAITING or caring what others thought. I love that she printed out the pictures from her vacations and savored those memories, the photobooks looked loved and cherished. I am impressed by the artwork she hung throughout her house and how she rotated it out with the seasons. As I looked at her crystal bowls, I remembered many fruit salads and parties where she actually USED them. Her closet brimming full of clothes and jewelry made me smile as I thought of how she coordinated from head to toe and was always so put together. 

Let’s all learn something from Aunt Kory. Even if an item in her home meant nothing to me or anyone else… all that mattered was that it meant something to her. She wore the dress, she planned the trip, she bought the front row tickets to the theater, she wore the diamonds, she ate at the fancy restaurant, she hung the artwork, she bought herself flowers, and she didn’t wait. I smile because I look at her house and I am reminded not to wait. As I was thinking about this one of my favorite bloggers, Elise Joy, posted on Instagram almost verbatim what I was thinking. I laughed out loud at yet another sign to stop making excuses and simply ENJOY life.

With Mother’s Day this Sunday I keep getting asked what I am doing. Almost building it up for my husband to come short no matter what he plans or doesn’t plan for me, haha. Either way, I am excited simply because it’s my first year celebrating as a biological mom. I can’t think of a gift I want more than to just enjoy life and time with my husband, kids, and family. The best gift we can give ourselves is living. And wow, did my Aunt Kory know how to live. When someone goes through my estate someday, will they think the same thing? Will they smile because I did things that brought me joy? What brings you joy? What would be on your list of things to “not wait” for? I encourage you to make the list, do it now, and please don’t wait any longer.

Happy Mother’s Day, friends!

Save Dinner Time- Courtesy of Kendall

Chicken Pesto Soup

Hungry? Need an easy meal? I got you.


3 cups of cooked and shredded chicken 
*I use my instant pot and season my chicken with Italian seasoning, salt and pepper to taste. I also use broth instead of water for the cooking process.
4 handfuls of kale or spinach
2 cans of white beans 
*I use great northern beans and butter beans- but any kind of white bean is fine
6 cups of chicken broth
1 cup of pesto 
*Add more or less depending on your taste preference

Cook the chicken in your instant pot and then shred.

Throw the beans, chicken, greens and broth together in a pot over the stove. Leave uncovered and bring to a simmer. Once there, add in your pesto and let it cook for a few minutes. Voila. If desired, serve with your choice of Italian cheese or lemon juice! 

Easy, kid friendly (mostly), and delicious. 

Shari’s Current Amazon Order History

I always enjoy seeing what other accounts I follow are purchasing on Amazon. It’s like a little glimpse into what you are currently obsessing over or what season of life you are in. From my current Amazon order history you’d quickly see I have a baby that is eating, making messes, and we were recently sick with a cold. Also you’d notice I’m in the mood to Spring Clean.

I’m going to share some items I’ve ordered and used recently and a few I have on-the-way. *Note there are no commissions to these links. Someday I will get my act together and maybe even get a storefront with my top recommendations but until then just message below if you were inspired to purchase anything, purely out of curiosity for me!

For Baby:

Bapron Bib: I was on the hunt for a good bib for the baby. I have a silicone catcher bib and a super absorbent towel bit but I kind of wanted something that was in between. A bib that was water resistant and covered her more than the silicone bib did but not as much as the towel bib. Enter in the BapronBaby Waterproof Stain Resistant Bib, which comes in so many cute patterns with matching splash mats to put beneath the high chair and even adult aprons. I have been enjoying my purchases and highly recommend for the quality and function. They are kind of pricey (for a bib) but worth it!

This is the Bapron pattern we ordered. I loved the sun & mountains!

Bath Set: I was just going to buy the whale cover for the faucet in the bathtub but decided that the Skip Hop Moby Baby Bath Essential Set made more sense which comes with a Bath Rinser Bucket, Bath Spout Cover, Bath Kneeler, and Bathtub Elbow Rest . I’ve been kneeling on towels (which is totally fine) but I liked that there was a kneeling mat included along with the elbow rest to go on the edge of the tub. I might as well be comfortable while my baby splashes in the tub.

I liked the gray set but they also have a blue set too.

Nasal Aspirator (aka: Electric Nose Sucker): When your baby is sick with a cold sometimes those bulb nose suckers just don’t cut it and if you’re like me and my husband the Frida Manual Nose Suckers seem to spread germs more than contain them (yuck)! I read the reviews on this Electric Nasal Aspirator and some people rave about it and others comment on the “low” suction power. We will give it a try when we get sick next. Of course I received it when were all feeling better.

For the Home:

O-Cedar Mop: A new mop was a must having a baby that is crawling all over the floors and a small living space means that we walk through the house a lot and the high traffic areas are also the areas that baby girl is crawling around on, with her HANDS on the dirty ground. It didn’t take long for me to vacuum daily but now I want to make sure I am mopping more frequently too. Here is the O-Cedar EasyWring Microfiber Spin Mop that my friend (a house cleaner) suggested and it was super reasonably priced.

Silicone Toilet Brush: I haven’t used this purchase yet but I have heard good things about the silicone toilet scrub brush. The brush with the bristles always grosses me out and I think the silicone will be easier to clean and will last longer than the bristle brush scrubbers. Plus you can mount the holder for this brush to the wall and it is sleek and small. Words I never thought I’d use to describe the aesthetic of a toilet brush, ha!

Underbed Storage Box: Currently I have a few hard totes with lids under my bed. One has extra toiletries and the other has my workout clothes. I want to use the totes for something else and came across these storage bins with a clear top and a zipper, they look perfect! I am so excited to move my stuff over to these underbed storage boxes and use the totes for something else.

There you have it. A few of my latest orders on Amazon.

What have you been ordering lately! I’d love to know, leave us a comment below!

Shari’s Thoughts on Grief

Recently my Aunt (and godmother) passed away. She wasn’t just any ole Aunt, she was a special, generous, traveled, hospitable, and loving Aunt. There are so many things about her that I absolutely loved and only a few things that made it hard to live with her, haha. And I did live with her for two years (Feb 2016 – Feb 2018). I moved in with my Aunt because of grief, she had just lost her husband and a month later she lost her mother (my grandmother). It was a tough time and if I knew anything about grief, it was that the person grieving would feel supported in the moment but what about a month or five months from then. I wanted my presence to be a support to my Aunt after all the initial support faded, so as a single late 20’s/early 30’s bachelorette, I decided to pack up my studio apartment and move into one bedroom at my Aunt’s house. It was a special time that I knew I’d look back on without an ounce of regret. I’ll say it again, she wasn’t just anyone, she was special and fiercely loved by me, and so many.

Her passing comes with mixed emotions. I am both so grateful that she doesn’t have to deal with her inability to communicate and also sad that she isn’t here for me to visit anymore. The lack of communication was tough, especially to someone like my Aunt. It was probably the cruelest thing brain cancer could have done to her besides shorten her years… was to take her ability to carry on a meaningful conversation. Before cancer, my Aunt would tell you in detail what she had for dinner three weeks ago, I joke but it was true 🙂 She loved those silly Sudoku puzzles and would always do the crossword puzzles in the newspaper. Shortly before she was diagnosed with Glioblastoma, she had gone on several trips with tour groups. She was on a trip to Colorado when her illness took a hold of her.

The last time I hung out with my Aunt (before she took that trip) was Labor Day weekend 2021. My husband and I decided to walk down to the beach from my parents house. It’s about half a mile or a little more. She quickly popped up and said she could use the walk and asked to come with us. “Sure!” we said. I remember my husband giving her a hard time about something she had said when I just started dating him years prior. She had said, “oh I’d never date a guy with a beard”. I laughed so hard and loved that Alex was still teasing her about it. She had so many things she was particular about and didn’t mind saying them. Instead of disagreeing I’d just say her name and shake my head and we would both laugh. We laughed about everything.

Oh grief.

So many moments and memories cruise through my mind when I think about her. I think about visiting her and my Uncle in Bothell as a child. Calling her a “good cooker” because I loved a meal she made. She would still quote the ‘good cooker’ phrase even into my adult years as a favorite memory. She would call me “Shari-kins & Shar-bear” and tell me how cute I was when I was little and how my Uncle wanted to freeze me at age 3. I remember shopping with her in Seattle and getting ridiculously spoiled with new clothes for school. She took her role as “godmother” very seriously and I loved that she was “more than an Aunt” to me. She was a Corporate Event Planner by profession and would tell all her friends (with pride) that I followed in her footsteps. When I lived with her she would tell me to invite friends over so she could make us dinner, she was next-level hospitable and had a placemat to match every occasion. Pure class with a huge wardrobe and enough jewelry to fill a boutique all on her own, she kept her favorite outfits even if she would never wear them again. Her home is filled with art and collectibles that have a story attached to each one. What I wouldn’t give to hear her tell me about them again. I still have the last voicemail I received from her on my birthday a year before her diagnosis. I listen to it sometimes. It will be a sad day when it gets deleted.

The last 16 months of her fighting brain cancer have been bittersweet. I found out I was pregnant a few days after she was diagnosed. My heart sank knowing that my baby may never meet her. But she was there to watch my belly grow, attend my baby shower, and hold my tiny two week old baby at her 80th birthday party. My baby girl is her namesake, Koralyn. Even though I know those 16 months were hard for her, I’m so glad she fought. She fought to extend her life and end it on her terms. She passed away at home knowing she was so deeply loved by all of us. That is one wonderful way to go. Peacefully and loved.

Aunt Kory, you are missed.

The glass ornament she gave me with a ballerina bear and my name/year painted on it. This ornament goes on my parents Christmas tree every year.

Dear SAHM…

My children wouldn’t let me sit down to actually write this, so here you go! I wish I could be more articulate, but it’s the end of the week and my head is basically mush. Literal mush. You are all just lucky my hair is washed.

PSA before you watch: Neither staying at home or going to work is harder. IF you are trying to compare them, that’s on you. The grass is never greener and parenting is a freaking trip. A well worth it, beautiful, hard, emotional, and long one.

To the SAHM, I know you can feel so incredibly inadequate. You beat yourself up for not going back to work. You beat yourself up for not having anything of interest to say to your partner at the end of the day. Instead, all you have to offer is your overstimulated and tired self with avocado and snot on your shirt. Fight for yourself. YOU are in there. You are interesting. You are beautiful. You are more than just a mom- you are a woman with all kinds of wonderful things to offer the world. And when someone says that being a mom is your most important job- nod and smile. Sure, it is because it’s lasting. But guess what? Being a human with passions, interests, and something other to say than skidamarink a doo (IFYKYK)- is just as valuable to the world.

Dear Working Mom,

I want to start out by saying it’s okay to work. It’s okay. You are a good mom and your child will not bond with you any less if you have an 8-5 Monday through Friday job. They are still your child, they love you, and you will create so many wonderful memories with them. Do not beat yourself up over the fact that you aren’t with them every second of every day. Quit being so hard on yourself. I’m starting with these statements because even if you don’t read the rest of this letter, I just want you to simply know it’s okay to work and you’re a good mom.

Now let’s get into it… the balance of it. The balance of work and home. You thought it was tough before kids and then it gets one hundred times more complicated after you have a child. Hormones and stress levels cause you to feel like a failure at both, I understand. I don’t believe there is such a thing as true balance between motherhood and home-life while also adding in the demands of a job that can sometimes follow you home. To find balance and peace with excessive demands at work and home is unrealistic. Don’t be fooled by the other working moms around you. They cry in the shower sometimes too and it doesn’t make them any less of an awesome mom and badass employee. So when you are trying to find the balance between work and home, rest assured that there is no such thing and what you are doing is good enough.

Working mom, I see you idolizing the stay at home mom content on social media. Me too. The guilt that creeps in as you see moms feeding their baby lunch while you sit in the quiet room at work and pump. Please don’t feel guilty for working or feel like you are missing out on crucial moments with your little one. I want you to know that the relationships you are creating with co-workers and the relationships your baby is creating with their caregivers while they are away from you are important. Your social life matters and sharing your baby with others is a gift to both them and the person (and maybe other kids at daycare) they are building a relationship with. The act of releasing control around yourself and your child is admirable because one day they will be teenagers and you will be forced to let go which is something that you already practiced early on. I’m proud of you because I know how hard it is. Being a SAHM has its benefits, sure, but so does being a working mother.

What are those benefits? You have another place to exercise your skills, you receive recognition at work for your successes, you bring home an additional income to help your family, and so much more. Working momma, it is a gift to be able to have a creative outlet away from home and your company is lucky to have your talents, skills, and abilities.

Remember that you, working momma, are pure dedication. In the morning when you pack every item your baby may possibly need while they are away from you and simultaneously pack your own bags, pumps, snacks, lunch, etc – just wow, you deserve an award for getting out the door without forgetting something, ha! Oh and don’t forget the extra hugs and kisses you give your baby that cause you to be several minutes late to work but are worth every second of reminding them how much you love them. I see you look at pictures of your baby at work and try not to count down the minutes until you are with them again. I see you showing co-workers something new and cute they did but also trying not to be the “annoying” proud mom. Who cares. You are dedicated to your child, they are your world, even if you aren’t with them 24/7.

Lastly momma, you are still a good employee. I know you may forget things in regards to your job from time to time. Mom brain, is real. But just know that the qualities that make you a truly exceptional parent also make you a valuable employee. You deserve to excel at your job, let yourself. Don’t be discouraged by the laundry list you have at home but rather be encouraged that you have a life to come home to that is full to the brim. The stress and overwhelm you may feel in the office all melts away when you cuddle your baby to sleep. Vice versa, let the stress and overwhelm of being a mom melt away when you enter the office and put your skills to work. We all have rough days, however, those hard moments do not define a lifetime.

Working momma, you are a good mom, a dedicated mom, a superstar employee, and a caring coworker. Give yourself some grace when you can’t do it all. Let the time away from your child fuel you to make the moments you do have extra special. Let the time away from your child ignite the other part of your brain. Most of all be proud of yourself for setting the example of hard working mother and also a mother that puts in the work at home too.


Another Working Mom

Shari and Kendall’s Holiday Gift Guide

Whether you are still shopping, need to start shopping, or are done and starting on next year, we have some gift giving ideas for you! Please note, none of these are sponsored. These are just things we like, love, and/or can’t wait to give people! Happy Holidays!

For Her:
Ember Mug- This mug keeps your drink hot! As someone who is constantly microwaving my coffee, this is probably the gift I am the most excited for this year.

Slippers– Cozy slippers end up on my wishlist and apparently most of my friends wishlists too! This is a link to the ones that I recently purchased (50% off currently Dec 2022) and I know they will last for several years because Olukai is great quality!

L.L. Bean Flannel– Cozy, chic, and practical. Add in amazing quality and you’ve made us believers that flannel can be fashionable and comfortable. 

Antique Candle Co.– I love me some yummy smells. Antique Candle Co. products are everything delicious and seasonal. I love their traditional roster of things as well as their seasonal goodies. They make great gifts but are also much fun to receive! 

Stocking stuffer ideas for her: electric hand warmer, cozy socks, hair ties, face masks, candy, lip balm, and hand lotion.

For Him:
Massaging Gun– Probably one of my husbands favorite gifts, he uses this all the time to relieve aches and pains from working out and life in general. We bought ours at Costco but this is a similar one on Amazon. Great gift idea and bonus – you can use it too.

Battery Daddy– Great gift for guys who want to organize their battery dilemma. This has been a game changer and a favorite gift of most men I know. Typically found at Costco!

Water & Wine Puzzles– Have a puzzler in your life? Have a puzzler who also happens to like wine? Then these puzzles are for you! Not only are they beautiful and challenging but they also provide really fun fact sheets about wine. Sounds like a built in date night to me… so maybe it’s a gift for both of you?

Blackstone Griddle– Ok, so this is more of a pricier item… but my husband is obsessed with his griddle. So far, Issy has made smash burgers, pancakes, bacon, eggs, grilled cheese, meats, chicken, and more things that I can’t think of right now on the griddle. Originally a grad school graduation gift, I firmly believe this would make a wonderful Christmas gift too. 

Stocking stuffer ideas: lip balm, poo pourri, back scratcher, luci lights, snacks/candy, socks, shaving accessories, grill/griddle accessories, mini bourbon bottles

For Kids/Baby:
LumiPets – Cute night light silicone animals. I saw this at a friend’s house (they had the kitty and bear) and my baby loved the lights changing colors and the soft squishy silicone. She played with it the whole time we were there. I am also getting this for my 9 year old who loves having a nightlight in her room.

Games – I am a big fan of “Cover your assets” this is a great game for all of my stepkids ages (9-15 years old) and “Throw Throw Burrito”!

The Story Orchestra Books– These are my daughter’s favorite books. I hope to get my son into them as he gets older. Not only does she learn about music and different composers but it has proven to be a really good way for her to snuggle in and find her calm before bed. They are beautifully illustrated and take you on some really wonderful adventures in the form of known stories and some brand new ones as well! Shout out to my sister, Marisa, for being the one to gift these to Rosemary and introducing me to them! 

Pajamas- I love jammies for my baby. We never have enough. I love all kinds of brands; Carters, Burt’s Bees, Nordstrom, Cat and Jack, etc. Jammas are just always appreciated and used up!

Stocking stuffer ideas: fun socks, silly puddy, yo yo, fidget toys, candy/gum, keychain, pez dispensers, board books, teethers

Shari’s Birth Story

It feels a little surreal to write this. I read so many birth stories leading up to my own experience that they all seemed to blend together. As an Event Planner by profession, I kept reminding myself that every birth is a highly anticipated event… it starts, it happens, it’s over, and you recover. Like my pregnancy, I was hoping for a fairly textbook birth and for the most part that is exactly what I got. But so. much. better. I finally got to meet Koralyn and there are truly no words for that moment. I certainly had none. She was perfect, her dimples melted me instantly, and every ounce of energy and intensity that her birth took was worth it. Here is the story of my labor and Koralyn’s arrival.

My birth story starts 9 days past my due date (which was July 8th, 2022), we planned an induction on Sunday, July 17th. Alex and I arrived at the hospital at 7:45 am. A nurse came in and hesitantly asked me if I was okay having “Hilary” as my nurse, it took me a moment to realize that she was referring to MY FRIEND, Hilary. Ummm yes I want her as my nurse! Honestly it took a little of my nerves away knowing that I had a friend there with me (along with my husband and mom). It took several failed attempts and eventually calling the specialist to come get my IV put in (Hilary opted not to poke me so none of those tries were done by her). The whole IV port process took nearly 3 hours,  thanks to my deep veins apparently. At some point during the IV debacle my mom arrived. Around 11 am we started the Pitocin. Hilary increased it every 30 minutes until my contractions showed they were moving along nicely. Bored, Alex, my mom, and I sat there chatting watching my contractions increase and joking about how long this process was going to take. Eventually Alex propped up his phone and we watched an episode of “Skinwalker Ranch” (the first season is on Netflix… so good!). I sat on the round inflatable ball bouncing while eating a popsicle. Not long after the episode ended around 1:50 pm, I was enjoying the second half of my popsicle when I suddenly I felt the GUSH. My water broke! It was like a scene from a movie; water surrounding me, pure shock on my face, and everyone in disbelief over the amount of liquid on the floor. CLEANUP ON AISLE THREE!!! Hilary laughed right along with us and helped me get out of my soaking wet leggings and clothing. 

The next few hours were a blur for me as my contractions went from super manageable to more intense and painful. After a few contractions brought literal tears to my eyes (I like to think I have a high pain tolerance), I gave my mom and husband a look of defeat… “I think I want an epidural.” Hilary, came to confirm and I started to cry a little. She asked me if it was because I was in pain or if it was because of asking for the epidural or both… crying a little harder I said “both”. It was true. I wanted to be stronger, I wanted to labor naturally, BUT I had always been open to having an epidural (especially after being induced) – I just truly thought labor wasn’t going to be so instantaneously rough. The best way I can describe the intensity of the contractions (at that point) was sharp but dense pain that reverberated through my whole entire body. Similar to cramps but way more intense and add in an entire body experience that makes your eyes water and your teeth clinch even through concentrated breath work. Although I felt defeated by the waves of pain, I reminded myself that this was all a part of my birth plan, it was okay, normal, and all that mattered was getting the baby out safely. Why not do so with a little help from an epidural? 

The epidural was quick and painless, it worked effectively on my left side but my right side was barely numb. Thanks to my Birth Class I knew that the epidural moves and disperses with gravity so if I leaned to my right side it would help the epidural numb that area, which it totally did. At this point it was after 4 pm and I was a solid 5 hours into labor. I had progressed incrementally with dilation and effacement but felt like I still had a long way to go. Contractions had settled some and the epidural was doing its job, I relaxed enough to realize I was hungry but I wasn’t allowed many options. My dinner consisted of chicken broth and ANOTHER popsicle (man, those popsicles sure tasted good!). I met my new nurse who came onto shift at 7 pm and said good-bye to Hilary. Bummed that she didn’t get to help deliver Koralyn, I was so thankful to have her by my side through those first hours of laboring and the epidural. 

My new nurse, Anna, chatted with me about hiking and I instantly liked her. Alex took a few photos as we joked about the names of the positions I was laboring in… one was called “The Throne” and I kinda felt like a very pregnant queen, ha. Anna, Alex, and my mom helped me change positions, because of the epidural I was numb and my legs were like tree trunks, moving me was a team effort. My contractions remained consistent. At some point in the next hour or two I transitioned… my mom was there and ready for her moment to hand me the blue bag to vomit into, she knew I would get nauseous and most likely throw up. How did she know? Because she always did during her labor transitions. Like mother, like daughter… I definitely threw up. I wasn’t prepared for the uncontrollable shivering, my body reacting to birth in a way I never thought it would. I sat there shivering looking at my husband like, “What is wrong with me?” 

At this point, all the signs were there for my nurse to check me and see how far along I had progressed. Sure enough at 10 pm, I was 10 cm dilated, 100% effaced and ready to start pushing. They called my OB and she told them to wait until she arrived for me to start pushing. I remember feeling pressure in the beginning and middle of my contractions. I focused on that feeling and knew that was my body’s natural rhythm. At 10:45 pm my OB had arrived and we started the continuous game of push for a count of 10 – in the same position for at least 4-5 pushes – then switch positions and start over again and that routine is what I FOCUSED everything on. After pushing for 2 hours, my OB got called out to the hallway. Based on hospital policy they don’t like women to push for over 3 hours. However, my blood pressure was good and the baby’s heart rate was steady so there wasn’t any cause for concern. I kept pushing and my doctor declined their offer to prep the OR. She told me later that she said, “My girl is getting this baby out in the next hour!”

When my OB came back after that conversation out in the hallway she turned into a vocal cheerleader and I am not joking when I say the whole room turned into a cheering match. I had been laboring for just over 13 hours at that point and pushing for 2, I was ready. I found a position that felt strong and I stayed there counting through contractions with my mom and my husband by my side. My OB grabbed my hand to touch Koralyn’s head (even though I didn’t think I would want to) it gave me the motivation I needed to get her out completely. I knew I was close when I saw my mom and husband tearing up. We were about to meet our little girl.  Koralyn got cheered into the world at 1:57 am. A little over 3 hours of pushing to get my girl earth side and it was worth every – hunched over, count to ten, burst of energy – moment.

She was placed on my stomach in what felt like an instant but they somehow managed to wipe her down and cut my top so quickly I didn’t even notice. Everything happened so fast and then slowed down to a very intimate and calm introduction. I held Koralyn, looking at her sweet face and then peering up at my husband and mom saying, “I did it, we did it, she is here! Look at these dimples!” I barely noticed delivering the placenta and Alex cutting the cord. I remember wanting them to weigh her but they insisted I take my full hour of post-birth skin to skin time. It was blissful. We stayed another day so they could check all of her (and my) vitals and take some tests before we got the clearance to go home.

I don’t think I would have believed you if you told me that would be our story but I am so thankful and grateful that it is. A positive birth experience is what I was hoping for and exactly what I got. The real postpartum didn’t start until after we left the hospital and I will save all those details for another blog.

Kendall’s Winter Must-Haves

Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow! Winter is coming and I have to be prepared (hello, Vermont weather).

ORORO Heated Apparel
The heated vest from Ororo is AMAZING. The battery life is great, it keeps me warm, and is lightweight enough (I have the down vest). I can’t wait to take this baby out on a snowshoe adventure.

Williams Sonoma Hot Chocolate
Y’all… this is THE hot chocolate to beat ALL hot chocolates. Instead of powder there are chocolate shavings. Melt those down in some your choice of water or milk (whole and oat are my top faves) and you instantly have something cozy, rich, and comforting.

Trish McEvoy Moisturizer with SPF
Dry skin got you down? Sun exposure when you are out skiing or taking a stroll in the snow? Trish has you covered. The price is a bit high… BUT it is so heavenly on your skin. It hydrates and protects you in a way that makes you feel glow-y and beautiful!

Kiehl’s Ultimate Strength Hand Salve
My hands get gross and dry in the winter. Seriously, they look aged and have an evil hue of grey to them. Cue Kiehl’s. This hand salve is so good for my hands. It takes the dry and achy pain away (since they can get cracked and husky). I use this year round but it is ESSENTIAL in the winter months.

These are my four main items (not sponsored!) that I use and love. When it comes to food, I love the season variety of things you can find at Trader Joe’s. Buying something festive from there can up your holiday hosting game or make you an excellent guest to any holiday party.

Stay safe and warm, friends!

Shari’s Four Fall Favorites

As we were coming back from “maternity leave” from the blog I asked on Instagram stories what you’d like us to share about and one of the most requested topics was to share our fall favorites. This week I bring to you… four of my fall must-haves. Like all our lists of favorites, they aren’t sponsored – we wish. Fall is a time of nestling in to the season with comfort food, quality time with family, and lots of traditions. A busy but anticipated time of year where I welcome the change of weather and scenery. However, the change of weather does a number on my skin and forces me to dress in layers. My list of must-haves for fall takes that change of season seriously. Let’s dive in…

Lou Lou Company Beanies: No shame in matching my little one, I have bought us a couple matching beanies for the fall and winter. Similar to the Carhartt beanies that I love, these are warm, comfortable, and come in multiple cute colors. Sizes are limited but they should be restocking again soon.

Billie Lotion: I am a big fan of the Billie razors and shaving cream but I also order their lotion. If you are anything like me I get very dry when the weather changes and I notice it more in the fall and winter months. This lotion has a fruity citrus scent and is also very hydrating. Highly recommend!

LMNT Electrolytes: Pronounced ‘Element’ – this product is legit. I am notorious for lacking in hydration which isn’t ideal for a breastfeeding mom. Another way I encourage myself to stay hydrated is by using LMNT in my water, it is super salty so I dilute it and drink it in 60-80 oz throughout the day. This way I know that I am setting myself up for a tasty drink and ultimate hydration. My favorite flavors are Raspberry and Citrus. Their website goes into more detail about the benefits of sodium, magnesium, and potassium. Definitely recommend this drink year round!

Fleece Pullover: I really like the cost effective ‘REI Co-op Trailsmith Fleece Pullovers’ to keep myself warm. The color I have is bright “deep dive” blue and can be found in the plus size section. I am a big fan of comfy sweaters and jackets in the fall, winter and spring months. Fleeces are that perfect in-between layer and great for wearing around the house. My advice is to size up for a little extra comfort.

There you have it, my current favorites for fall. From layering head to toe to staying hydrated both inside and out, these are my recommendations (again not sponsored but I wouldn’t mind… LMNT, lol). I could go on and on about a few other products I am trying out like Beam powder that is suppose to help with sleep or my new heated back massager… but I haven’t tested both out long enough to recommend them quite yet. What are some of your current fall favorites?

Postpartum Be Like…

Postpartum Be Like…

Confusing. With Rosemary, I had little to no postpartum symptoms. Granted, I had a terrible pregnancy that was fraught with depression and constant queasy-ness. But in terms of postpartum, nothing. With Chéo? My name is Kendall and I have postpartum depression and anxiety.

In my college years, I dealt with depression and anxiety. Through therapy, I learned A LOT about myself and depression/anxiety. I am beyond grateful for those experiences. It taught me so much and has allowed me to understand my current feelings. I have no shame about my feelings and understand the “triggers” that affect me. Chéo’s pregnancy was relatively easy- which, I was thankful for. But the feelings that have come after his birth are… intimidating. I feel so overwhelmed at times that I can’t breath. It’s not rational. It’s not healthy. But it’s what I feel. I feel safe and confident when it comes to caring for my son. Life is what I am struggling with. It feels so scary; so negative. In reality, I KNOW life is not either of these things. But, in moments of emotional vulnerability, I struggle to know that. One of the only moments, I feel calm is when I am snuggled into my husband before bed. This struggle was beginning to creep into my daily life. And truthfully, I don’t have any patience for that. I have two kiddos to raise. I am mama. My daughter needs me for practically everything as does my son. I can’t be anything but my best. So…. when the point came where I felt like I couldn’t be my best, I knew I needed to get some help. I need help not because I am weak because I am not. I need help because I know myself and know I am capable of talking over all those negative voices. If I ignore them, I risk the chance of truly hurting myself emotionally. By acknowledging them, I guarantee success for myself as a person, wife, and mother.

Postpartum depression and anxiety feels like an extreme amount of pressure. I have such a big life outside of these feelings that I can’t become too consumed by them and I know this. Seeking help is paramount to not only my mental health but the health of my family. That doesn’t take away that my feelings are very real and very important. Going through this has also shown me how I have changed. Strip away the titles of wife and mom and who the heck am I? I am not sure. But I know I need to figure that out. I have to swim through the maze of diapers and perpetual smell of baby poop, dinners and dishes, and commute to Rosemary’s school in the next town to see who I have become. What interests me? What do I want to do? What about me is interesting? Truth? I have no effing idea. It’s hard work because I don’t have the time to just sit and figure it out. But, I need to make the time.

I have given all of myself to bear my kiddos. It’s a special kind of love and one that I feel honored to understand. Now, it’s time to reclaim a bit of myself. I will encourage other moms all day long whether it be in the SAHM struggle, or the boss moms returning to work. But I don’t give myself even a teaspoon of that love and acceptance. Hypocrisy isn’t for me. What is for me is accepting my feelings, working through them, and coming out of them a better person. If you are struggling with any mental health issues, please reach out to your doctor.

Kendall: Food, Food, Food

If you follow us on Instagram, you know that both Shari and I just had babies. Shari is opening up about that this week and I will do so in the weeks to come. For now, I want to talk about food.

Food has been on my mind. A lot. I am breastfeeding again and my little boy EATS. Like, EATS. I sometimes feel queasy during or after because of how much he is eating. When that happens, I also feel hungry. It’s a disastrous marriage of feelings. Due to his healthy appetite and it’s affect on me, I have been really thoughtful about food.

Normally, my husband and I do not eat a lot of carbs. Lately, I have needed the carbs to keep my energy up and to satiate that terrible hungry/queasy feeling. I like to be thoughtful about what I eat. I am in my thirties and I can’t just eat whatever I want and expect to not see any consequences. Eating smart is paramount. BUT, I also want to enjoy my food. With that said, here are my favorite fall recipes that I have been making over and over that feel good to both my tastebuds AND to my body and what it needs.

Crockpot Crispy Buffalo Chicken Tacos with Jalapeño Ranch (Half Baked Harvest)
OMG these are so good and so easy to make- even the homemade ranch and crispy taco part. You can doctor this to meet your cravings. These tacos are filling and have such good flavor.

Homemade Tomato Soup (Joy Food Sunshine)
I hated tomato soup as a kid. But in recent years I have become a total fan. This is super easy to make and can be served alongside a small salad or yummy bread. Tips: Instead of throwing the mixture in a blender, you can also throw it in to the pot and use an immersion blender. If you are wanting more tomato flavor, blend in a can of San Marzano tomatoes to the mix!

Marry Me Chicken (Delish)
This dish is REALLY good. My husband adores this dinner. You can throw it over a bed of pasta, rice, cauliflower rice or vegetables. I made this recipe last night and added in steamed broccoli. It was so satisfying it felt like it was a “cheat” meal but it was actually pretty decent for you. Enjoy!

Breakfast- Anything from Downshiftology
Browse her breakfast recipes. Most everything is super easy, nutritional, and can be catered to the different seasons. For example: paleo pumpkin pancakes or sweet potato toast anyone?

There you have it. That’s what I am eating these days and I hope you find something tasty to try out too!

Photo by Pixabay on

Shari: I’m Back!

First off, thank you for your excitement for Kendall and I to come back from maternity leave. It has taken a little while for me (I can’t speak for Kendall) to get back in the swing of things. I’ve learned that having a newborn brings its own amount of adjustments including admitting when extra endeavors seem like “too much.” I am grateful for family and friends that remind me to not over-do it and to keep my main focus on myself and my little one.

With that said, let’s talk about motherhood. I am so happy to be feeling more normal and less overwhelmed by the thought of anything added onto my plate besides just managing life with a newborn. I will share the birth story in a future post but for now I will tell you it was pretty straightforward. My pregnancy and Koralyn’s birth were fairly textbook and I am extremely grateful for that. My challenges arose in the days following the birth of Koralyn which will be a blog post for another day. It was a learning curve and it’s true when they say “nothing truly prepares you for motherhood” no matter how many blog post articles I skimmed, videos I watched, books I read, or accounts I followed on the topic… pregnancy, birth, and postpartum are so different and personal for everyone. One thing I think has been done well in more recent years is ACTUALLY talking about those differences so that mothers can also find some solidarity. There is guaranteed to be some story somewhere that parallels their experience even if it’s not exact. Motherhood has its pros and cons but more than anything, I am simply honored to be Koralyn’s mom and that is all that truly  matters.

My work-life balance is also coming back slowly. I am allowing myself to transition properly, or atleast I am trying to. Thankfully my coworkers and company also give me grace which is a support that I will never take for granted. I work from home half days on Monday and Friday which has helped me ease back into the full days Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday. Koralyn is with family and friends and I try not to overthink the rest (easier said than done with a postpartum brain). I have to say, trying to keep her on a “schedule” is laughable but for an almost 4 month old she is managing well and thankfully I am getting some solid sleep. I know, that seems like a very vague report on how life is currently going. If there is something more specific you’d like me to blog about, please let me know and I’d be happy to.

For now, I will leave you with this sweet photo from Koralyn’s newborn photoshoot (when she was only 7 days fresh).

Photo credit: Bailey Erickson Photography

To Be Continued…

Don’t fret, Kendall and I will DEFINITELY be returning to the Salty Exchange! Our plan is to make our comeback debut in late summer/early fall. We will keep you in-the-know, most likely through our Instagram account. In the meantime we may highlight some of our past blogs for your viewing pleasure. We’ve written a lot. We have things to say. We will have more to say after this summer full of babies and adjusting to a ‘new normal’. I can hardly wait for us to share our thoughts with you, our faithful friends & family readers!

Photo by: Bailey Erickson Photography

Until then this is where I am at… I am 39 weeks pregnant (7/1). My pre-pregnancy clothing still mostly fitting me, thank goodness for stretchy pants and loose shirts! I am 1 centimeter dilated, 30% effaced, and at a negative 2 station for those who like the pregnancy statistics. Currently craving an Oreo McFlurry (and I rarely eat McDonalds so that is a weird craving for me), aka baby wants sweets! People keep asking how I am feeling. That is a great question but a loaded question to ask a first time mom on the brink of the unknown. I am about to experience a primal, natural, and uncontrollable event performed by my own body. I’m about to meet another person who I am solely responsible for taking care of, nurturing, and loving for the rest of my life. I am overwhelmed by the amount of ways in which my mind and heart will grow in the upcoming days, weeks, and months. I am excited to experience it all with my best friend, support, and husband, Alex. I cannot wait to go through this process with him by my side. It’s safe to say I am a mix of emotions and feeling physically like my body is preparing.

It’s a strange waiting game, the last few weeks or days of pregnancy. I literally feel like a human ticking time bomb and that is freaky to say the least. Regardless, birth stories, baby announcements, and more will come. Until then… have a fabulous summer. To be continued 🙂