Shari: Dear Dad

Dear Dad, 

When I think of you there are so many memories that come to mind. I remember how I felt as a child when you would come home. I could hardly wait for you to walk through the door… like a little puppy I wanted to be the first to greet you and tell you how much I missed you. My heart still swells when I see you and hug you. You have such a special place in my life.

Like most kids, I am sure my teenage years were tough but you took it in stride, coaching my rec-league soccer team, attending every sporting event, and every orchestra concert (both at school and at home)! You were always there and always consistent; a strong support in my life that I didn’t take for granted. I appreciated seeing you in the crowd and knowing that you would cheer me on- win or lose. I knew that regardless of what happened we would go home and eat dinner around the table and laugh about something that happened that day. You, dad, were always a highlight to my day.

When I was born mom said you cried tears of joy because you KNEW I was going to be a girl. You picked out my name because you wanted it to be special. You named me after all your sisters. I know how much you wanted a girl and how deeply loved I was before I even took my first breath. As your only daughter and the baby of the family, I know I mean the world to you. Thank you for making sure I always knew and felt your love. I still remember hearing you brag to other parents, “Yeah the blonde one, Shari, she is my daughter” and the pride that would shine across your face. I hope I always make you feel that way. 

Thank you for teaching me how to agate hunt and enjoy kayaking out on the bay. Thank you for the copious amounts of dahlia bouquets in the summer (you have the greenest thumb). Thank you for always having the newest and nicest camera and insisting on taking photos. I love that we have a lifetime of documented memories. I’m so happy that you are enjoying your retirement with mom. You deserve it after all those years of hard work. I can’t wait to plan our next family vacation and make more memories together. I love you and am so honored to have you as my dad. 

Your daughter, 

Shari Koralyn

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