Kendall: Rosemary is Turning 3!

Three years ago, my husband and I were living in Valencia, Spain. I was heavily pregnant. I had stopped sleeping well. My ankles had pretty much disappeared. I was so swollen it hurt. The past 9 months had been tough on me. There was no glow, little joy, and a lot (like, a lot) of nausea. Depression had dominated two thirds of the pregnancy term. Despite all of that, I knew I was going to love my daughter and that the darkness I had lived in would lift. There was a deep sense of certainty in my mind that it would all work out. And just like that, on October 1st, 2018, it did. 

I won’t bore ya with the details of my labor. It was hard. It was scary. It was amazing. When I heard Rosemary cry for the first time, my heart did this thing. A flutter, joyful kind of pitter patter took over my body. All of a sudden, she was not just a being living in my womb… she was solid matter in my arms. 

Rosemary and me right after she was born.

Rosemary is… amazing. Amazingly smart. Amazingly beautiful. Amazingly annoying. Amazingly human. She is unbothered by the trials of the past 18 months. She cares most about balls (of any kind really), Frozen, books, books, books, and walks around the neighborhood. Scaling the ladders at the park are her new thing and I am a little terrified. Her independence is in full bloom. And while I am delighted to see this kind of growth, I also feel scared. At present, Issy and I make her decisions. Her care is ours. Sure, she has opinions but what we say goes. What happens when that changes and she actually cares about the socks she is going to wear or the vegetable she is going to eat? I am so not ready for that. But, I know it’s coming whether I am ready or not. 

SO. Her third birthday is approaching. How am I doing? Despite being totally freaked out that she is already three, I am happy. I am happy that she is relatively normal… though a little lacking in the sharing department with other kids… Rosemary is a wonderful kid. She loves to be active. She has begun to hop everywhere. It’s incredibly sweet. As we plan for her birthday weekend, we feel a lot of joy with our little family. She has already received gifts from a TON of people and I am contemplating giving her something new each day between now and the end of the weekend so as to not overwhelm her with anything on her big birthday day (Christmas of 2020 was a bit overstimulating for her and we have learned our lesson). She only turns three once and the chances that she will remember it are slim- but we still want to give her as much joy as we can! My heart is full when I think ahead of all that is going to come for her in the following year. I have a feeling she will rock ski lessons in the winter, be successful at preschool in the spring and swim fiercely during the summer. I. Love. Her. 

Happy Birthday, my little goose!

Shari: Bye-bye Garden

Tis’ the season to say goodbye to your summer garden. Last week I pulled out almost all of my summer plants and started the process of winterizing my garden. Gardening has always been therapeutic for me and a place I feel at peace. There is something special about sticking your hands in the soil and growing something from a little seed that nourishes your body and also makes you feel a sense of accomplishment. I get it. I get why so many people garden. I almost wish I had a year round garden but if I am being honest, it is also a lot of work.

I decided not to do a garden next year. I seem to be on an every other year trajectory since my previous garden was in 2019. And I am totally fine with that. However, I don’t expect myself to remember everything I learned this year come the Spring of 2023 so here are some tips to help me remember and, maybe in the process, they will help you too.

Succession planting: Next time I have a garden I want to plant my vegetables in a way that allows me to maximize my space and produce. Once I pull my first batch of radishes, plant more! Same with carrots and anything else that could produce another round of harvest fairly quickly. Also if I don’t want to plant the same thing, like putting cabbage where the radishes were, then I can plant something else in place of it that utilizes the space properly. Key words there, only plant something that is space appropriate which leads me to my next point…

Spacing: My spacing was a smidge off this year. I didn’t realize how big my yellow squash or cucumber plants would get (whoops). Next time I need to remember this and space them out accordingly to avoid overcrowding. Thankfully I used tomato plant cages for the yellow squash and it kept them really contained. I also used a square cage for the cucumber plants to grow up and it worked so nicely; these are definitely two things I plan to do again.

Thinning: I need to remember to take thinning out my plants seriously. I learned the hard way with my carrots and leeks. The leeks were the worst, I thought I thinned them out but to my surprise they never got very big and still seemed overcrowded when I finally pulled them last weekend. Next time I need to make sure I follow the directions and give them the proper thinning and spacing that they require to thrive.

Weeding: A note to myself and to you… make sure to weed your garden daily or at least weekly before you water, this way you will stay on top of them as your garden continues to grow. Also a perk of thinning out your plants is that you can see weeds that grow in between your plants better. If your plants are too close together it can be hard to see the weeds that are growing right next to your plant.

There you have it, those are my final thoughts as I close out my spring and summer of gardening. I am thankful for all the kale, cucumbers, carrots, and more that I have grown and consumed this year. I have loved watching my garden thrive and tending to it. But in all honesty, I am ready for this season to end and to cozy on up for the fall and winter. I guess my houseplants and friends’ gardens will have to keep me occupied for the next year. Bye-bye garden, it’s been fun!

Shari and Kendall’s Thoughts On: The Gym!

Photo by Anna Shvets on

From Shari:

Let’s be real, the gym doesn’t need to be scary or intimidating. I know that is easier said than done. I have been there. I used to go to the gym and get extremely intimidated and end up just doing small workouts that didn’t utilize any of the machines or other numerous amounts of equipment available to me. It’s also worth mentioning that there was a time where I loved group classes BUT getting up at 4:30 am almost every weekday eventually wore me down. To be honest, my inconsistencies with exercise have been confusing over the years. I have gone from expensive barre classes to cheap box gym memberships and so many others in between. But like everything, there is a season and I have found myself at a local gym where I see it as an extended home gym with so many options. I now think of the gym as a sacred space for me to sweat and get my heart pumping; it’s a place I look forward to going, whenever I can. 

How did I get to this current moment of loving my gym? Here is how… I knew pretty quickly into “at home workouts” in 2019 that I missed the gym. Nothing against home workouts but I know myself and I need the physical location of a gym. The machines, the classes, and mostly the separate space to work out rather than my cozy living room. My husband and I visited several gyms at the end of that year and I am so glad we did because we found the perfect gym for us and it was close to home. Everything about the gym drew us to it, from the reasonable cost of membership, to 24 hour access 7 days a week, to the open floor plan and less crowded space. It was an easy decision and so we decided to join.

Then Covid happened… and we were back to at-home workouts, bike rides, and outdoor activities. Which was fun but not quite the same as going to the gym. We counted down the days until our new-to-us gym would open back up and we could get into some sort of routine.

Finally the gym reopened and we have been diligently going ever since. My husband, Alex, and I have a routine now, we start with cardio and transition into weight training (usually targeting a specific muscle group). When we first started I would walk around the gym aimlessly and get a little overwhelmed but Alex would find exercises based on what body part he wanted to focus on and eventually I caught on and started to do the same. We even lift together several times a week! We always start with cardio and a good 10-20 minutes of getting our heart rate up. Then we pick 5 or 6 different workouts that target a specific part of the body… back, arms, shoulders, legs, or core and we do each exercise in sets of 5, the reps of each depend on the exercise we choose. To be honest, I prefer doing exercises in sets of 3 but Alex pushing the 4th and 5th set have been the game changer for me. I think I get tired of the repetition or exhausting a certain muscle group but in reality – that is the point, to break the muscle down to build it back up!

I truly look forward to the gym these days. It’s hard to explain the rush of excitement at the thought of going and working out. Maybe it is because I am finally noticing a difference or maybe it is the rush of endorphins. Whatever it is, I am thankful that I get to experience a healthy and happy relationship with the gym. I wish this for everyone so please reach out if you have any questions about the gym and what to do there. I am happy to help!

From Kendall:

I love working out. Before getting pregnant I was in great shape and was doing crazy PIIT workouts (Pilates Intensity Interval Training) and running about 5k multiple days a week. Then during pregnancy I stopped working out. Every time I went to do something, my stomach pulled in this super uncomfortable way. It hurt. So I listened to my doctor and stopped. After giving birth, I had a hard time finding that fire to get back in it. I was constantly breastfeeding AND leaking milk all the time. I preferred to just stay relatively still. 

In late December of 2019, I re-committed myself to getting back in the gym. Lucky for me, that ended up being in my basement. Considering how 2020 turned out, I am beyond grateful that my husband built us an amazing and functional gym space. Phew. Anyways, I was a SLOW starter those first few months. Due to a variety of factors I mainly did quick 15 minute HIITS. Sadly, those kicked my butt. But then, I got better and stronger so I upped my workouts to longer HIITS. After about 3 months, my husband (a total gym nerd) started me on muscle group workouts. And that’s when I began to notice a huge difference in my body. 

Everybody has a different threshold of what they can handle. Further, everybody has something different they want to accomplish with being in the gym. For me it has become about staying healthy and, honestly, soaking up the ONLY alone time I get all day. When I am in the gym it’s just me and my music or audiobook. It’s 100% my time where I focus on strengthening my body, pushing it to train harder, and care only about myself. 

I do not have a model’s body- and I am cool with that. But I have amazing endurance, strength, and focus. I want my daughter to see that her mom is healthy. I want her to see that being active is a normal and essential part of life. Sure, she can watch Charlie Brown and the Great Pumpkin five times in a row (and no I am not kidding) but she also LOVES running around outside, going on walks, and climbing the ladders at the park. She is a super active kid and working out consistently has helped me to keep up with her. 

Every week I average about 4-5 days of gym time. I love it. I have actually changed in that I NEED to workout regularly. IF I don’t, I am irritable. Being in the gym has been beneficial to myself not only physically, but mentally as well. Endorphins are key to being happy and I definitely feel them. Something else the gym has done is give me stamina… you know the kind I am talking about. I have no shame in saying that my appetite for that part of my relationship came back with a fierce vengeance as my body started building more muscle and cardio endurance. So not only is that part of my life on fire but I am also able to keep up with my toddler… all because of my time in the gym. Being in the gym is truly my time to mentally vision board who I am and where I am going. 

Anyways, here are some of my tips and tricks for getting back in the gym, staying at the gym, and evolving your workouts:

  • Get a pre-workout supplement you like. I love Advocare Spark. Consult your doctor before trying any product. 
  • Stay consistent with your gym time. Creating a routine where working out is done at the same time is key to making it part of your life and muscle memory. 
  • For home gyms: shop sales for equipment AND make sure to use your CC for purchases until they arrive in the mail. There are A LOT of scammers out there and banks are a lot more lenient on helping you out if it is a CC transaction. 
  • For gym memberships: make a list of what is important to you on your health journey. Do you want a gym that offers Zumba classes? Do you want a gym that has a great crossfit set up? Don’t waste money on a gym you aren’t committed to. Find a place that gives you the specific resources you need to succeed in your fitness goals. 
  • Change it up! I get bored doing the same thing every day. PLUS- it doesn’t actually do your body justice to serve it the same workouts every day. Mix it up! Make Monday your leg day followed by cardio Tuesday and so on. If you want a sample workout schedule, let me know. My husband and I can help draft one for you. His arms don’t lie- he works out. 
  • Give yourself rest. IF you injure yourself determine if you need to take a few days off or if you can push through. Don’t think you are a failure for taking the rest. Sometimes that rest can keep you out of the hospital! 
  • Stretch! Ok- I am the worst at this. But you should really do it. And I am constantly trying to be better about it! Stretching is good for your muscles AND your mental focus. 

Alright, get in the gym. Get your heart rate going and PUMP IT UP! And if you need some inspo, check out The Rock’s insta. Holy hell. My workouts are downright cute next to his. But hey, I still do it!

Keto Update

As I am sure you are aware, Kendall and I embarked on a health journey in April of this year. We included our husbands and dove head first into a very fad-diet called Keto. We didn’t agree with the typical Keto methods of gut-bombs, greasy bacon, and butter dense foods. Instead we opted for a more clean version of Keto called Mediterranean style Keto. 

*see Kendall and Shari’s original post here

That is where we began. But the last five months have been a journey to say the least, we have learned so much about food, our bodies, and what we’ve been programmed to believe. I hope this post inspires you, educates you, and makes you want to take a stand for your own health. The shocking (but not really that shocking) reality is that we are set up in our culture and society to fail at taking initiative for our own health. Processed foods line our grocery aisles, we stop at drive thru restaurants to be more efficient as we go about our day, we don’t prioritize our health, we are trained to have our health be an afterthought, and we believe that if we accomplish some great weight loss that it is something we are expected to effortlessly maintain. As someone who has been anti-diet and enjoys good food, I have played into those cultural norms for too long and my health has suffered as a result.

This summer hasn’t been easy on our clean Keto journeys. Kendall had a revolving door of guests in her home and I (Shari) have been away from my home the majority of the past two months traveling for work and with family. Look- we aren’t complaining… the reality is that having back-to-back guests and trips is hard to juggle while also trying to take ownership of your own health and health goals, whatever they may be. Kendall and I both agreed that we would go easy on ourselves but not lose sight of our health in the process. We both have indulged, enjoyed, and discovered new food in the past five months. But mostly we have kept our communication open and have ended up breaking down a few myths that we have been trained to believe. 

What we’ve learned:

There have been quite a few myths that we’ve had to de-bunk for ourselves and anyone asking us about “Keto”. Keto isn’t just for weight loss. However, switching over to fat-burning does make the fat and bloat come off. Speaking of fat, a lot of people say that you have to eat butter and bacon when on Keto but that isn’t the fat that is helpful for fueling your body. We recommend fat from avocados, wild-caught fish, grass-fed organic meat, pasture-raised organic eggs, raw aged cheeses, nuts and seeds, nut butters, grass-fed butter/ghee, olives, coconuts, dark chocolate, and healthy oils. You don’t have to be scared of fats like our low-fat culture has tried to project on us. Instead use those fats to fuel your brain and body. THEN guess what? BONUS! They keep you fuller longer. This is another great side effect that leads me into my next point.

When you eat organic proteins, veggies, and good fat you end up getting full quickly. You no longer have to “finish everything on your plate” because you most likely won’t be able to. I repeat, your body will feel full. I used to give my leftovers to my husband but even he says, “No I am full, I can’t even finish my own.” Despite what we have been taught, we CAN have leftovers and moderation is key to optimal health. 

One of my favorite side effects of going Keto was the end of my sugar cravings! Yes, the END OF SUGAR CRAVINGS (yelling it for the people in the back). I no longer look at ice cream and want, no, NEED it. I’ve regained the power to say NO to sweets because I quite simply don’t want them or crave them. I pay close attention to how food makes me feel. Recently I was at my parents and my mom made a blueberry peach pie with homemade ice cream. You better believe I had a slice and a scoop. I didn’t crave it or need it, but I chose to indulge in it and it tasted lovely. I didn’t overeat and I felt fine afterwards but I really paid attention to my body and how it was feeling. There are simply some things I can’t eat, like beans. I will instantly feel bloated but Kendall can eat beans with no issues. Ultimately, be aware of your body and how you react to food. The goal should be to fuel and nourish your body, not treat it like a garbage can.

Lastly, I have learned a lot about what it means to be in Ketosis. At the beginning of Keto, I was in ketosis which means I kept my carbs extremely low so that my body would burn through its glucose storage and switch over to burning fat. However, I eventually phased out of ketosis because I incorporated more carbs here or there and my glucose storage was higher. I don’t test to see if I am in Ketosis anymore. I pay attention to how I feel based on the food that I am eating and focus on keeping my sugar and carbs “low”. It isn’t a perfect science and I believe we naturally cycle in and out of ketosis if we are eating what is in season like our ancestors did before us. Read Keto Diet by Dr. Josh Axe to learn more about Ketosis and why it isn’t necessary to be in all the time.

Shari’s progress photos:

A friend told me a few days into Keto that I should take a photo to help me track my progress visually. I wasn’t a huge before and after person but for my own records I agreed that it might be nice to have some progress images. I am so thankful I took her advice and took pictures whenever I thought about it. I could see the bloat decreasing, I could see my body firming, and my clothes loosening. I don’t share these progress photos to amaze you or make you feel inferior. I share them to encourage you to seek non-scale accomplishments. Please note: Kendall didn’t take photos but has seen a significant change in her body both on the scale, her measurements, and in toning up (thanks in part to her also working out about 5 days a week). In all the photos I am wearing the same workout tank top and leggings (from left to right April 2021, June 2021, July 2021, September 2021).

Shari’s progress photos from April to September 2021.

Next steps:

As we deviate away from “Keto”, Kendall and I both are invested in our own health, staying consistent with less sugar and carbs, eating whole nourishing foods, and finding more clean ingredients. Personally, I am going to start trying to cut our seed oils because *news flash* they aren’t good for us! I’m also finding ways to increase my protein levels because I just found out how much protein I should be eating to support my lean body mass. Each of us are different in that area. I’m also learning what I have intolerances to, getting my blood work done, and going against the societal norm to prioritize my body and my health because…

No one is going to put your health first but YOU! 

We hope you have enjoyed our update. Although this post was written by Shari it was edited by Kendall, just like this entire blog it is the best of both of us. We would love to chat, feel free to find us on Instagram @thesaltyexchange or email us

Kendall: The Motherhood Saga Continued…

This isn’t a super new topic for me to write about. In fact, I have blogged many times about the challenges of being a parent, my own person, and a good partner. Today, I am taking one angle of that and diving in. 

Being a parent is hard, y’all. Being the parent of a toddler is incredibly bittersweet. I love seeing her grow and change and yadayadayada. Sometimes. It. Sucks. Rosemary has started doing this thing where she makes up absurd stories about what’s going on. Some of them are delightful and fun. Others are downright scary. Until she can better understand HOW to use words, we are keeping her back from preschool programs because I think she would be a terrible student to have around. Teachers are supposed to teach and encourage, yes, BUT, it’s also my job as the parent to try and make sure she has the basics of kindness, sharing, language and empathy down. And right now, her world consists of me, her auntie, her lovely Thea, her Cici, or her daddy “striking her.” Or if she is telling the story in the past-tense, it’s “struck.” Okay, do I have your attention? Great. What I have learned that she actually means is that she is inserting us into the world of Frozen. Where Elsa “struck” Anna… with her power. “Mama struck me and then I ran away. And it really hurt.” OR there’s this one… “Daddy and Chris hurt me.” What she means is Daddy and Chris hurt her ears while they were practicing their guitars in the living room. But if you don’t know this or have time to decode Rosemary talk, you would think, “WTF.” I mean, I live in it and I am constantly wondering how she is picking all of this up. Like, seriously, WTF? I can’t send her to daycare. Because if she came home saying any of that about the teachers or other students, I would live in a perpetual state of wondering if she is safe. We need to work on a few things first so that I can trust her to be a good student, friend, and reliable source of information.

Another crazy toddler thing? The clumsiness. I am fairly certain she is going to break an arm or leg at some point. She is so adventurous. Sometimes, that’s incredibly fun. Sometimes, it’s just terrifying. I was that mom who refused to go to the park during COVID. I was too scared of kid germs. But as we have moved on and better understand the virus (and I live in the safest state in the USA) I have resolved myself to stop worrying and live our lives. So, we go to the park now. The girl can climb a ladder and ride down crazy slides with grace and beauty but will literally bruise herself all up on the mother’s helper stool in my kitchen trying to do acrobatic tricks. When I first noticed bruise spots on her arms, I automatically assumed I was the problem- after all, those are the ones that people get nervous about when they see them on a kiddo. Maybe when I picked her up I was too rough? Maybe I hug her too tight? Maybe I don’t know my own strength? I freaked myself out and went down a dark hole of self-loathing. What I have since realized is that my kid is brave, silly, and outgoing. She bruises herself. I don’t bruise her. The fact that I even thought I was holding her too tight is freaking absurd. While I am strong, you have to actually try to bruise- and I am not like that. But I still feel a little shy and embarrassed around other parents because we all judge the crap out of each other. But trust me, in my quest to figure out her bruising I can tell you how she got every single one- including the random one on the back of her hip (thank you booster seat at the dinner table). Seriously though, there was a week where I hated myself and thought I was a terrible mom because I couldn’t stop her from hurting herself or slowing down. Now, I am not a great mom- but I am trying to be. Do I think I will get there? Probably not. I am not patient enough to be great and there is always a next hurdle that I know will trip me up. But I am loving, gentle, funny, and encouraging of her. And that’s enough for today. 

My identity as a mom has been really challenged in the past six months. Today, I was discussing with my husband how our parenting has changed and the ways it needs to continue to change. We are no longer parents of a baby who sleeps 10 hours a day and is content in her toy area for hours. We are the parents of an active and super smart toddler. I have got to continue to adjust how I parent so that I am giving her great experiences and great boundaries. That shit is hard. It’s also been liberating for me. I mean, I knew I was a mom the day I found out I was pregnant. But there was always this fight within me about measuring up, being perfect, and being seen as enough of a decent person to be a mom. I have gotten her this far- I am a mom; I am her mom. I don’t need anyone to tell me I am doing a good job. I don’t need for people to see me as a “good mom” because I just really don’t care what people think; it’s too time consuming and takes away from me actually being present with my kid. I do not need anything from anyone except my family. I don’t need someone to judge me for the crazy things she says. I mean, she spent like 2 hours with a babysitter on Sunday and if I were to believe anything she said, I would have called the police! Judgement can go both ways there… haha. But seriously, don’t worry, my sitter is the best EVER. 

To conclude: parenting is hard. Give yourself some grace. Send some my way. And if you have any tips on teaching toddlers how to properly use words- email me at Seriously. Help.

Shari: Autumn Preparations

It’s that time of year to kiss the summer sunsets, travel, and warmth goodbye. Thank goodness for Fall and the beauty of the fresh, crisp, and colorful season that helps with the conclusion of the summer months. We have so many things we need to think about during this transition period between seasons; which isn’t limited to just house prep but also mental preparation too! We are starting to welcome the holidays and it really is such a special time of the year.

Home. After a quick search online I found a ton of helpful lists for what to take into consideration when preparing your home for the autumn chill. Here is a great list that includes taking out A/C units, winterizing your garden, putting away your outdoor furniture, and so much more. I am not a homeowner but I do have several responsibilities as a tenant that I need to take care of around our complex, including the tasks I just listed. Lastly, just like spring cleaning, I believe fall cleaning around the home is equally as necessary.

Gear. This applies mainly to our camping and backpacking items on our gear wall. This time of year I winterize all the summer camping items and I carefully take them off the gearwall to get them organized into a tote that is easily labeled for locating it again next spring. In the winter we typically only snowshoe and stay in local state park cabins. So I tend to thin out our gear wall in the winter and pack away a lot of our backpacking and hiking stuff. I leave out all the first aid kits, snowshoes, trekking poles, gators, camping stove, gloves, hats, ropes, mugs, blankets, seat pads, and backpacks… along with countless other items that we like to bring with us when we go to our favorite cabins in the winter.

Clothing. It is time to swap out those summer clothes for your warmer layers! As a born and raised Washingtonian, I really value clothing that can transition between seasons. I have a lot of t-shirts and tank tops that I wear in the summer but that also transition well under sweaters in the winter. Which means when I put away my “summer clothing” my tote is actually quite small. I usually keep it towards the front of the storage unit in case we go on any tropical vacations during the fall/winter months too *wishful thinking*.

Cozy. This is where the mental preparation comes into play and is key to helping you transition between the summer and fall months. Think “cozy” and warm thoughts when you swap out the above items. Whether that is setting out some candles, a basket full of blankets next to the couch, or organizing your calendar to prepare for upcoming seasonal events that you don’t want to miss. Mentally it is good to give yourself time to think about what this next season is going to look like and how you want it to feel. So go on and close your eyes, let yourself get wrapped up in the smell of orange cloves and apple spices, feel the fresh crisp air, see the leaves changing colors and falling to the ground… prepare your heart and mind for change.

Ultimately, I hope that taking a look at the home, your gear, your clothing, and thinking cozy thoughts helps you prepare for all that autumn will bring. Fall is my favorite season and I welcome it with open arms but it isn’t lost on me that we really do have to prepare for the major change between hot and warm to chilly and cold. 

Cheers to embracing the tasks that come with Autumn preparations and may your next season be happy, healthy, and full of coziness!

Kendall: A Birthday Letter to her Mom

Dear Mom,

I really miss you. I miss your laugh, your stories, and your shrimp pasta salad. I even miss your grumpiness. This Saturday, September 4th, would be your 66th birthday. I feel like this is beyond cruel since you never got to your sixth decade of life. You are forever frozen at 59. I guess some people spend their lives trying to stay at one age but not you. You didn’t seem to mind aging. The greys on your head are still one of my most favorite things about you.

I don’t know what you would think of this year. In my head, I can hear you telling people to grow up and get it together. If you felt that way at the last birthday you ever got to celebrate here on Earth, then I just know you are looking down and rolling your eyes at humanity. Your threshold for BS was always pretty low. I sort of loved that… granted, not when it was directed towards me. 

Most nights, I show Rosemary a picture of you on my phone. She loves it. She loves to say, “Hi, Grandma Rosemary.” Then she insists I say, “She lives in Heaven.” From there she has created this little story about you getting into the pool with her but taking off your glasses before jumping in. Then to finish, she kisses my screen to give you a kiss. Considering how much you didn’t really care for swimming, I find this narrative highly amusing. And, my heart always aches a bit after this small exchange. This summer, Rosemary got to see all of her living grandparents- but not you. This summer, we got to spend a ton of time with family- but not you. You never got to meet your granddaughter. Considering how many gifts you shopped for throughout your whole life, not being able to shop, give, and enjoy a gift for your only granddaughter makes me, well, sad. Gifts were your thing. And you were so good at it. Why couldn’t I inherit gift giving from you?

You were never one to give much of what you were feeling away or get overly sentimental. You and dad were very much the same that way. So how I got to be the emotional person I am is still a bit of a mystery. But regardless, I am a sentimental gal. With that said, on Saturday night, I will make Issy watch “Singing in the Rain” with me. We will drink champagne and laugh at the ridiculousness of Lina Lamont together and in my head, I will hear your laugh. God, you laughed at that movie. I think cackled hysterically is actually the more appropriate term. 

Anyways, I miss you. And there is nothing more eloquent to say. Happy Birthday, mama.


Shari’s Favorite Quote

Shari’s Favorite Quote

“The best view comes after the hardest climb.”
– author unknown

This quote has been on my Facebook page for years… maybe even a decade! I have resonated with this saying since before I was really into hiking or going any sort of distance. It initially hit me that life and experiences take effort, they take time, however, there is always something to look forward to. The view to me could have meant getting a promotion and working hard to get there. It could have related to how I felt about relationships and how difficult or hard conversations (which I used to avoid) actually make your relationship stronger. Whatever it meant to me back then was important and essential and to this day, I have clung to it and adapted it to who I am. Who knew a random quote (that I probably saw on Pinterest- ha!) would lead me down a path of purpose and peace.

Now, a decade later, this saying has morphed into my love of hiking and pressing onward despite how challenging the present moment can be. When I hiked 26 miles through the Enchantments (a coveted hike in Washington) I remember thinking of this quote as I was climbing straight up a loose rock path over Asgard Pass. I knew what was over the top of this rocky and difficult pass was going to be worth the effort, sweat, and pain of carrying my 40+ pound pack on my back. Let me tell you, it was magical and I was truly in awe that this particular vista awaited me over a tough and formidable climb! It was more than I could have imagined and I’d do it again in a heartbeat.

All that to say, no matter how difficult something in your life might be… remember that the best outcome can follow. So keep pressing forward. Keep going. Stay strong, determined and consistent. You will be better for it. I know I sure am.