Kendall and Shari’s Thanksgiving Appetizer Ideas

We. Love. Appetizers. Like, a lot. Who else is guilty of eating too many appetizers and not having enough room for the actual meal?

Us too! But, that doesn’t stop us from still serving them on the biggest day of food intake every year… THANKSGIVING!

Y’all, Thanksgiving is next week! There will be slaving away in kitchens, burnt turkeys, perfectly cooked turkeys, mashed potatoes, weird casseroles, and pie… lots of pie. Despite all of that, we still need to eat before dinner… or else we will just be hangry and what is supposed to be a meal of thankfulness could very quickly turn in to a hot bed of disaster. So, if you are entertaining this year, here are some of our favorite tried and true apps to keep out for grazing grandparents, BFFs, and third cousins.

The Classic: A Charceturie Board
Meat, cheese, fruit, and crackers. Easy to assemble and easy to eat. It can also be kept out for a while which ultimately means less maintenance for you!
Tip Video:

The Easy: Chips (or crackers) and Dip!
I love to go to Costco and grab my favorite dunking treats and a few dips. Not only are there usually aways leftovers, but it’s efficient. Serve up the dips in some fun bowls and spread the crackers or chips out in a serving bowl and voila! Food. No fuss, no muss. Save the extras for that upcoming ugly sweater party in a few weeks.

The Fancy: Stuffed Dates and Fruit
Grab some dates and halve them (if not pitted already, then get rid of the pit). Use a small spoon and spoon in some goat cheese to each half of the date. You can top with a fancy nut, herb, or whatever. Serve up with a side of fresh fruit. Dates are really filling and will probably fend of people’s hunger as dinner starts to run behind… because, let’s be honest, that is just what happens.

Also, if you plan on serving wine with dinner, try and provide an easy non-alcoholic drink BEFORE dinner. We love some sparkling water with fresh fruit or even a fun and festive punch. If people are guzzling too much wine, dinner can become a bit of hurried process to help get food in someones’ stomach… let’s avoid that. OR, have a cool cocktail prepped that isn’t super high in alcohol content but still tastes delicious and get’s people feeling all thankful and happy… like The Americano. It’s meant to be sipped before dinner and isn’t too strong!

Well, friends, happy cooking!

Shari’s Storage Appreciation

Storage. I know, this isn’t the most glamorous topic but is something I have been really appreciating lately. The ability to have a place to store items and not clutter up our current living space has been life saving. We rent a storage unit to put some extra furniture that we have inherited, totes of seasonal items, and even wedding registry items that don’t quite fit in our current home (but they will someday)! The storage unit is organized chaos but is really only organized at all thanks to my husband who did most of the tetras work to get furniture, totes, and everything else to fit in nicely.

The need for a storage unit only came after my apartment flooded in 2019. I actually had to get two storage units because I had one for the “wet items” and one for the “dry items”. When I eventually moved back into my apartment I was able to toss some of the damaged items and condense everything else into one storage unit. The fact that I had the storage unit to rely on really allowed me to move back into the apartment with a more minimalist mindset. I was able to only bring back what was functional for me and my soon-to-be husband. Not to mention less is more when you are trying to clear space for kids too! We were able to utilize our apartment in a whole new way! Little did we know that shortly after all of this happened that our home would become our work-from-home office due to COVID-19.

With all that to say, we wouldn’t have made it through the flood and the moving in and out process if it hadn’t been for the storage units. Now the one storage unit is a place we go every few weeks, whether it is to get something that we need or to bring other items there. It is an extension of our home that I am extremely grateful for. We can hide the kid’s Christmas gifts there, any large item that we don’t use often enough (but we do use monthly) like our Yeti Cooler, or extra clothing like our summer and winter clothes… it is so nice to pop over and grab what we need or take things there to declutter our home.

With housing prices skyrocketing (especially in Washington state) it is honestly cheaper to get a storage unit rather than to rent a bigger place. No we don’t intend on having a storage unit forever but I highly recommend it if you feel like your area is getting too cluttered and it is hard to find certain items. Consider getting another location to store some things, spread it all out, see what you have, label it, and store it properly. What are your best storage tips and tricks?

Kendall’s Skin Care Must-Haves

Photo by Karolina Grabowska on

I didn’t really start taking my skin care seriously until I was about 30. According to some, my skin is already screwed. That’s a frightening thought! When I was about 27 I started purchasing more quality skin care products but I didn’t really understand WHY I was buying all this stuff that the salesperson recommended. Was I just being oversold? It wasn’t until my pregnancy that I realized I need to take my skin’s needs seriously. After giving birth, I aged. A LOT. My skin just completely changed. I don’t mind aging- that’s normal and healthy! What I do mind is not properly giving my skin what it needs. You only get one skin and you DO need to take care of it. There is no universal skin care regime for you to follow because everyone has different skin and, therefore, different needs. 

I have learned to appreciate that having healthy skin starts from the inside. I know that certain foods make me break out. Do I avoid them? Not entirely but I am more thoughtful about it and pick and choose what I feel like indulging in. Diet also plays a big part in this! You need vegetables, people! Vegetables are just wholesome for your body! Eat some. I have also discovered collagen. I am not a doctor, so speak to yours before you make any big dietary changes or try new supplements. From where I am, I can tell you that collagen has been really good for my skin with consistent use. More than that, it’s been a wonderful way to get an energy boost without having to drink any extra caffeine or energy supplements. I love the regular ole’ Vital Proteins Collagen Peptides with Hyaluronic Acid and Vitamin C. You can even find the big container at Costco! 

Now, to the good stuff… products! All of the below (except the EltaMD) are also clean beauty brands… so you can take care of yourself and know that you are also helping the industry make good and healthy shifts in its ingredients, supply chain, and marketing. 

I love me some products. I like to try new things. Below is a list of some of my favorite products all ranging in prices. 


First off, if you don’t double cleanse… you should try it. Especially if you wear makeup regularly. You don’t need to do this every time you cleanse but I like to do it before bed. Taking the day off is sometimes harder than you think. 

Naturium’s Niacinamide Cleansing Gelee 3%


This product is great for taking off makeup and getting other impurities off your face. It can be a little intense for some so this is great to have in rotation for your skin.

FRESH Soy Face Cleanser

$15.00- $69.00

FRESH is amazing. They are one of my favorite all around skin care brands because it is gentle, actually works, and they are constantly updating their product ingredient list to be the most natural and effective for it’s clients. 

ReVive Foaming Cleanser


Does the price scare you? I understand. This cleanser has an amazing, rich lather that gets your face super clean and feeling super hydrated. You do not need very much. A super small amount goes A LONG WAY. When I do purchase this product, I have it for months because I stick to using the right amount. If you can indulge, I can’t recommend this enough! 


For the longest time I was using toners the wrong way. And yes, there is such a thing. I was using a toner as the extra boost to help get my makeup and daily grime off. Like, I was relying on it more than my cleanser. Insert face palm emoji here. If you are doing this- stop! Spend some more time with your cleanser or try a double cleanse. 

Exfoliators are a great way to help unclog pores and help your skin care products absorb into your skin better!

FRESH Rose Floral Water Toner

$15.00- $40.00

I really love this product. It makes my face feel so clean and bright! It also lasts forever if you use it properly! It’s also great to spray on your face to give it a wake up if you are feeling dull. 

ReVive Balancing Toner Soothing Skin Refresher


This toner has been wonderful to my skin. It’s great at restoring some hydration to my skin AND works as a super gentle exfoliator. 

Naturium BHA Liquid Exfoliant 2%


All I can say is this just gives me a nice glow and makes me feel good. 

Trish McEvoy Correct and Brightening Beta Hydroxy Pads Daily Exfoliator


Steep price. I know. I feel it. You can use these daily but I don’t because my skin is a little sensitive. I use these about every other day… sometimes every three. These pads are the creme de la creme. They are just delicious for your skin. Pure luxury! 


Ah, serums! 

Trish McEvoy Beauty Booster Serum


Talk about expensive. For me- this is also one of the only hyaluronic acids that really work on my skin and that I SEE the results with. It is a splurge, for sure. One of the great things about all things Trish is that her products are all catered to sensitive skin types and are very gentle. This serum is one of my must-haves. But hey, my husband buys guitar pedals and band staff… I buy this. Win/Win. 

FRESH Seaberry Moisturizing Face Oil


I love this face oil. Sometimes, I use this as my moisturizer. But it’s also great in conjunction with one which is why this is in my serums category. This will also last you a good long while. You do not need to use this every day OR a lot of. I can sometimes keep a bottle for a year- a little more. But that’s me! 


So I use one moisturizer for the daytime and one for the nighttime. During the day, I like to have one that also has SPF in it. Finding something with the right combination (not too cakey or an odd texture) can be rough. And at nighttime, I want something super hydrating and that will lock in my serums to really give my skin some TLC. 

Daytime Moisturizer:

Trish McEvoy Beauty Booster Cream SPF 30


All things Trish aren’t exactly cheap. I know. This also lasts me forever (about 5 months). I just spent two months getting the last bit pumped out… don’t throw it away if you think it’s empty! Keep going! This is a great moisturizer/SPF duo and keeps my skin nice and dewy while protecting it from the sun. 

Night Time Moisturizer:

I either use the seaberry oil mentioned above OR I use…

Naturium’s Intense Overnight Sleeping Cream


This stuff is just lovely. It feels super thick but actually feels light and moisturizing on your skin. AND- it’s super affordable. It’s my current night time favorite! 


SPF SPF SPF. I am late to the SPF game. I really just started wearing it. Shame on me. But you all need it. So wear it. One of my favorites right now is the EltaMD UV Broad-Spectrum SPF 50+. It’s water and sweat resistant for up to 80 minutes. If I know I am going to be running around with my toddler outside or in our pool, I use this instead of my daytime moisturizer. It’s amazing and keeps me hydrated and safe! 

Anyways, that’s the list. Do you have any products you love? PLEASE share! I am always looking for new stuff to try. Happy cleansing!

Shari’s Thoughts on the Viral Video “Let’s Skip to the Good Part”

There is a song clip I keep hearing a lot in Instagram reels and TikTok videos. It has some catchy music that plays and then the lyrics say, “let’s skip to the good part” and the melody keeps going. It’s a fun audio and for a while I thought it was clever and cute. I liked how at the crescendo of the music, it stops when the lyrics say, “let’s skip to the good part,” which would then always wrap up with an image of something epic. Whether it was a hike with an amazing picturesque view at the end or a mother’s baby bump then showing the actual adorable smiling baby. I enjoyed watching them but for some reason it didn’t sit well with me.

After thinking about it for a little while, I realized that my issue isn’t with the catchy tune and “good part” images. My issue is that this simple audio allows you to skip over the process it took to get to that epic moment. In life, we don’t just get to “skip to the good part” and why would we? We would miss all the milestones and experiences that shaped us along the way. For example when I am hiking, I often have to remind myself mid-hill climb when I am out-of-breath and wheezing that I am not just doing this for the view. I am also doing this to prove to myself that I am capable, fit, and willing to work hard. I remind myself I can do challenging things and I will be better for it. There will be a reward at the top and regardless of the view, the reward is the accomplishment of just simply getting there! 

I feel very similar about life. There are so many hard experiences that end up with a good result in the end. Everything in life is about perspective but skipping to the good part isn’t what I want to see. I want to see the journey. Even on social media, I tend to follow the accounts of people who are real and show all aspects of the process, good, bad, and in-between. I want to see the late nights studying for that doctorate degree, I want to see the sweaty gym selfie before the health magazine photoshoot, and I want to see a messy house before seeing the clean and perfect one.

We can’t skip to the good part without acknowledging what all it took to get us there. That is a disservice to ourselves and the process. It’s a reminder that the process isn’t glamorous or fun all the time. The process is usually kind of boring… it may suck and we may wish we were doing anything else, but guess what the payoff is? The payoff is THE GOOD PART… the degree, the physical health, the clean house… they all had a ‘not-sexy’ process to get there, but man, did the process make it worth it in the end! 

So let’s not skip to the good part, let’s see the process, celebrate the monotony along the way, and then appreciate the end result even more for it.

Kendall on Prepping for the Cold Weather Season

Photo by Aleksandr Slobodianyk on

It gets cold here in Vermont. Yesterday morning it was 28 degrees… and that’s not even that cold. If you are going to live in New England, there are some things you gotta do to survive your first cold weather season (November- April). 

  1. Cold weather gear. It’s expensive but worth it. You do actually need that jacket that will keep you warm up to -35 degrees. Socks, mittens, base layers, hats, pants, tops, etc… yup, you need it all. 
  1. Prepare your car. Soooo the salt from the roads (to help with snow) is known for rusting cars out. Prepare by getting your undercoat sprayed with a protective layer or washing your car often. I am talking once a week in the winter to help get all of the crud off. 
  1. Prepare your house. Make sure you have full tanks or plenty of propane or oil. If you are lucky enough to be on natural gas then disregard. While many tanks are supposed to be designed to alert companies when you are low on fuel, still keep an eye on it. It’s been known to fail. 
  1. Get a cold weather hobby. It’s easy to stay inside November 1st- April 30th. DON’T. There are so many wonderful things to do like snowshoeing, skiing, snowboarding, playing hockey, or ice fishing. And if there isn’t a ton of snow on the ground and it’s sunny, bunde yourself up and go on a walk. Vitamin D will do you good. 
  1. Don’t wait to do any of the above. Resources are slim for many right now. Things are running out and if you want or need something to get you through these cold temps, go buy them now. Don’t make me say, “I told you so.”

For many, the cold of Vermont is a major turn-off. Personally, I love it. I love the crisp air, the snow (and snowshoeing), and snuggling up with a puzzle or book at night when it’s colder than balls outside. We currently have lots of people moving here and it’s almost sweet how unprepared they are for the cold weather. 

With these colder temperatures also comes some changes to our economy… businesses tend to have winter hours because not as many people are staying out as often or as late. Many just simply don’t have a ton of work in the winter because people aren’t having work done at this time. Others have taken their landscaping trucks and turned them into a private plowing service for a business parking lot. And then, there are those who were hit incredibly hard by the COVID-19 pandemic… and they need help. SO if you have any extra or unused cold weather gear, please think about donating it or putting it on FB marketplace. Please also consider reaching out to your local food bank to see what they need every few months. At present, a lot of places are trying to get stock in for Thanksgiving so that bellies can be full on November 25th. Keep checking in if you are able to. Let’s take this time to help each other out and be kind. It’s already dark and chilly outside- let’s not put that in our hearts, eh? And PLEASE, send us an email at if you need help. Shari and I will do our best to get you assistance if you want it. 

Stay warm, friends.