Kendall on Prepping for the Cold Weather Season

Photo by Aleksandr Slobodianyk on

It gets cold here in Vermont. Yesterday morning it was 28 degrees… and that’s not even that cold. If you are going to live in New England, there are some things you gotta do to survive your first cold weather season (November- April). 

  1. Cold weather gear. It’s expensive but worth it. You do actually need that jacket that will keep you warm up to -35 degrees. Socks, mittens, base layers, hats, pants, tops, etc… yup, you need it all. 
  1. Prepare your car. Soooo the salt from the roads (to help with snow) is known for rusting cars out. Prepare by getting your undercoat sprayed with a protective layer or washing your car often. I am talking once a week in the winter to help get all of the crud off. 
  1. Prepare your house. Make sure you have full tanks or plenty of propane or oil. If you are lucky enough to be on natural gas then disregard. While many tanks are supposed to be designed to alert companies when you are low on fuel, still keep an eye on it. It’s been known to fail. 
  1. Get a cold weather hobby. It’s easy to stay inside November 1st- April 30th. DON’T. There are so many wonderful things to do like snowshoeing, skiing, snowboarding, playing hockey, or ice fishing. And if there isn’t a ton of snow on the ground and it’s sunny, bunde yourself up and go on a walk. Vitamin D will do you good. 
  1. Don’t wait to do any of the above. Resources are slim for many right now. Things are running out and if you want or need something to get you through these cold temps, go buy them now. Don’t make me say, “I told you so.”

For many, the cold of Vermont is a major turn-off. Personally, I love it. I love the crisp air, the snow (and snowshoeing), and snuggling up with a puzzle or book at night when it’s colder than balls outside. We currently have lots of people moving here and it’s almost sweet how unprepared they are for the cold weather. 

With these colder temperatures also comes some changes to our economy… businesses tend to have winter hours because not as many people are staying out as often or as late. Many just simply don’t have a ton of work in the winter because people aren’t having work done at this time. Others have taken their landscaping trucks and turned them into a private plowing service for a business parking lot. And then, there are those who were hit incredibly hard by the COVID-19 pandemic… and they need help. SO if you have any extra or unused cold weather gear, please think about donating it or putting it on FB marketplace. Please also consider reaching out to your local food bank to see what they need every few months. At present, a lot of places are trying to get stock in for Thanksgiving so that bellies can be full on November 25th. Keep checking in if you are able to. Let’s take this time to help each other out and be kind. It’s already dark and chilly outside- let’s not put that in our hearts, eh? And PLEASE, send us an email at if you need help. Shari and I will do our best to get you assistance if you want it. 

Stay warm, friends.

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