Kendall’s Thoughts on Meal Delivery Services

Kendall’s Thoughts on Meal Delivery Services

We have tried a lot of different meal delivery services; HelloFresh, Blue Apron, Hungryroot, and Daily Harvest are just some of the ones we have tried but the list of options is endless! Here is our review of the few we have tried. 

**Please note nothing is sponsored and this is all my own opinion.

4) Daily Harvest: Meh. The DH marketing is fabulous and is what really drew me in! If you are looking for super healthy options to add into your weekly food rotation or a whole new food routine, this may be for you. I love the wholesome ingredients and philosophy they have behind food BUT I have found that a lot of their options really don’t taste that great (and some taste uh-mazing)… BUT since my tastebuds are a little off right now, I have paused them until after June and will give them another shot. I love that they are committed to sustainability and everything from their packaging to ingredients you can feel good about purchasing. That’s worth considering! 

3) Blue Apron: Good food. Constantly missing ingredients. To be fair, we ordered Blue Apron in the height of the pandemic… things were a little crazy. But still, I don’t like ingredients missing from the recipe! Afterall, we are paying customers and want what we are forking money out for. Regardless, the recipes were really delicious and there was a fair amount of variety. The ingredients that did make it into our boxes were really fresh!

2) HelloFresh: Good recipes. Wonderful variety. Annoying advertising. Honestly, we loved everything we got from HelloFresh. I highly recommend them! Something to keep in mind: prep beforehand. Sometimes the little steps can pile up and if you are supposed to be sauteing something at the same time as making a crema on the side, prep is your BFF. We personally found the calories to be a bit on the high end but still really loved everything. Not to worry though, if you are concerned about calories or diet, they do have wonderful options for you to pick from!

1) Hungryroot: Never heard of them? Well, this service has by far been our favorite. It’s one stop grocery shopping with all of the organic and sustainable things you can think of. Their recipes are super simple AND versatile. What I mean by versatile is that you can mix and match things from the different recipes to make a meal. We loved the simplicity and quality of everything we received. We actually plan on going back to them for a bit here in a few weeks. 

When we do have a subscription to a meal service, we don’t like to do it every week. Personally, my husband and I think it can kinda be a waste of money. BUT as a busy and growing family, we appreciate having options available to us and don’t mind spending money on it when we need it. 

Honorable food service mentions: Butcherbox and Thrive Market. We love and use Butcherbox OFTEN. If you want high quality meat and seafood options delivered to your door- they are for you. Sustainability is important to them. As someone who usually buys organic, I find their prices to be really fair. Thrive Market is a game changer for us. We discovered them when we started doing clean Keto. Boy, were we not disappointed! They have a wonderful array of options and their prices are legit. They beat my local health food store in terms of cost- so that’s a total win for me! 

Anyways, what’s a food service that you love?

Shari’s Thoughts on Planner Organization

Are you one of THOSE people… you know, the person who get’s excited about a physical planner? The person who has to physically write out their tasks, schedule, and to-do lists? I am one hundred percent absolutely that person. I like to think it is way I am able to wrangle my thoughts in a productive and manageable fashion and the only reason I don’t forget where I need to be when I need to be there. For the longest time I tried to have calendar appointments on my phone but there was just something about it that didn’t suffice. There is something about putting the pen to the paper that helps information stick in my brain. So in honor of my love of planners I decided to share with you my top 3 favorite planners and how I typically like to organize them.

First, I love a colorful planer but there is something to be said about a classic, sturdy, simple, durable, well laid out, and empowering planner… that is why I love the Get To Work Book Planner. This planner is a bit of a beast but has probably been one of my favorite planners to haul around with me in the past. I love the design elements by creator Elise Joy and her style of “extras” that you can get to go along with the planner. As an Event Coordinator by nature (and degree) this planner has it all.

My second favorite is the more colorful route of The Happy Planner. This planner is customizable and unique. Easy to take pages in and out and comes in such a variety of options… almost too many. Plus the accessories on this planner are nearly unlimited, from covers to stickers, there are a ton of additional goodies to choose from. They have financial planners and workout planners too just to give you more options than just a calendar planner too.

The third planner on my favorites list is the Emily Ley Simplified Planner which also comes in a variety of colorful options and as an added bonus you can see them in-person at Office Depot. It’s been a few years since I used a Simplified Planner but I remember buying a small, skinny version and I really liked the ability to fit it in my purse. That may not be a huge selling feature but trust me… after having a planner for a year, getting a new one can be embarrassingly exciting.

Now that I have shared a few of my favorite planners and why I like them, let me dive into the part that I nerd out over the most… the planner organization. Here are the steps I take when getting a new planner:

  • When I first get a new planner I look over the pages to see what “extra” options the planner comes with… year at a glance page, blank pages to jot down notes, monthly overviews, etc.
  • After that I pick a “birthday color” from my flair pens and start putting in all my immediate family members birthdays and a few friends (after that I have to add birthdays as they get closer because, to be honest, I am the worst at remembering birthdays).
  • Next I add in important upcoming events or anything that needs to carry over from my previous planner. Sometimes I will color code things to be a certain color like my random work travel and appointments vs my reoccurring monthly board meetings.
  • After I input as much information as I can remember I tend to just have fun with the planner… I will add in some fun stickers or draw cute designs on special days like Christmas or the Fourth of July.
  • Lastly, I go back to the day and week that I am starting off with and notate it as the first day of using my new planner.

I know… if you didn’t think I was a little OCD before, now you most definitely might think I am! Nah, I just really love the organization that a planner can bring to an already full and amazing life. I love the organizations I volunteer for, I love my job and the travel that it takes me on, I love The Salty Exchange and writing these silly but useful (hopefully) blogs and my planner just helps me keep track of it all in a much more focused and manageable way.

People often ask me how I do everything I do… it’s because I write it down and I plan it out! That’s how.

Shari’s Skincare Routine

It really isn’t shocking to say this but my insecurities about my skin came about in my early teenage years (like it does for most people). I remember asking my mom to buy me Clearasil facewash when we were at a local grocery store and when I finally started wearing makeup I asked for Neutrogena Healthy Skin foundation which really did help my oily acne-prone skin for years (most of high school and college). However, my skin transitioned again in my 20’s and I tried so many (SO MANY) cleansers and different types of makeup that I-kid-you-not, I could have opened a small skincare store myself. Finally in my early 30’s I got more serious and found a podcast about a natural skincare company called OSEA.

OSEA Malibu had a specific skincare line for blemish-prone skin and I ordered their starter pack. That was over three years ago now. I have been using the Ocean Cleansing Mudd clarifying cleanser daily ever since. This cleanser is peppermint-y fresh and leaves my face feeling so clean, I can’t imagine going a day without it. Yes, the products are pricey but they also last me about 2-3 months, maybe more if I forget to wash my face twice a day (Kendall, don’t kill me, ha- she’s a stickler about washing your face). But seriously, they are worth every penny and the starter packs are a great way to test out the products without investing too much into them.

After I have cleansed my face I moisturize it. So let’s talk moisturizers, I never thought my skin could love moisturizer but it actually does… in all seasons, in all weather, dry months, and humid months… my Blemish Balm moisturizer is light and absorbent, refreshing and hydrating, not oily at all and balances my skin in a way no other face moisturizer ever has. I can’t say enough good things about it but at risk of sounding like a saleswoman… just know that if you struggle with oily skin, this is the moisturizer for you.

After I cleanse and moisturize my face I immediately follow with these two must-have items from OSEA, their refreshing Sea Minerals Mist or their award winning Hyaluronic Sea Serum. My skin loves the extra drink of hydration and minerals. I may not use these products every single day (like I do for the cleanser and moisturizer) but I definitely love them. My other favorite items are their body lotions. I have two favorites but for completely different reasons. The Ocean Body Lotion is light-weight and absorbent, it is fragrance free and all-around winner in my book for post shower full-body hydration. My other favorite is a little more luxurious and spa-like; the Anti-Aging Body Balm, I definitely use this one when my skin feels exceptionally dry in the winter months. It is silky and smells amazing but you have to make sure to shake it up before using it. Those are my two favorite OSEA body lotions.

I have been pretty loyal to OSEA Malibu and their brand of skincare, purely because I finally found something worth the money that actually works, which is honestly half the battle when it comes to skincare. I’ve come a long way since my adolescent Clearasil days but I have also invested in my skincare and overall health. My diet, movement, and so many other aspects to my health affect my skin but having good consistent skincare is something that I wish for everyone. Including you!

** Please note this is not an ad for OSEA- I am just a fan!

Kendall’s Tips and Tricks for a Visit to the ER With Your Little One

Kendall’s Tips and Tricks for a Visit to the ER With Your Little One

Welp, it happened folks. After 3 plus years with a relatively healthy kiddo, we had our first run to the ER this week. Actually, we had two. Let me catch you up…

Early Thursday morning, around 12:30am, I woke up to my monitor going off. Rosemary was crying. Normally, she puts herself right back to sleep. After five minutes though, I knew I needed to check on her. When I walked in, it hit me: the smell… the smell of barf. I had managed to get three years, three months, and 13 days without any vomit other than the occasional spit up when Rosemary was a baby. As they say, my time had come. What followed was a harrowing 5 hours of flying chunks, sips of water that wouldn’t stay down, and a creeping fear that something was wrong. At 5:15 my husband and I knew that we needed to call the pediatrician’s office. Even though it was early, we are lucky enough to have an answering team on standby. By 5:30ish we were instructed to get Rosemary to the emergency room. Since she wasn’t even able to keep a sip of water down, the primary worry was dehydration. We pulled it together and got ready to go. I had enough sense to pack a bag of extra clothes for Rosemary, grab the iPad, and a few books. And off we went to the University of Vermont’s Emergency Department (Main Campus).

Here is where I will gush to you all: UVM is amazing. They had a super efficient check-in process that was made even easier by the fact that we were the only ones there (because, you know it was early AF). Once checked in, the staff was so incredibly gentle and patient with a scared and sick toddler. They even gave her a little kitty stuffed animal that is now lovingly called Kitty Teddy. This small act put her at ease (well as much as you can ask a toddler to be put at ease in a situation like this). Calls for an abdominal ultrasound to rule out any kind of obstruction (specifically, they were looking for Intussusception) were called for. Confirming this wasn’t COVID was paramount so a lovely swab test was also ordered. Rosemary was given some Zofran to help with nausea and to keep her food/water down. The ultrasound took a little bit longer than we thought but it was EXTREMELY thorough. While we waited for those results, Nurse Maggie was tasked with the unfortunate duty of getting the COVID swab from Rosemary. She was so patient and kind and with our help of keeping Rosemary’s hands away from her face, it was done in no time (FYI: it was negative!). While we waited for the ultrasound results, we turned “Vivo” on on my cell phone and let Rosemary relax. Once we were given the all clear that she was ok and probably just fighting a GI infection, we were sent home with a prescription for Zofran and instructions to come back if things didn’t get better.

That’s how we ended up in the ER again on Friday morning at pretty much the same time as the day before. My poor little girl still couldn’t keep anything down- not even a sip of water. She was lethargic but managed to find her toddler strength to resist the ER staff from examining her. This crew of health care professionals were used to kids and could not have been better for our situation. It was decided that in order to fight whatever viral crud she had, she needed to have strength. To have strength she needed fluids to keep her hydrated. Watching Rosemary get a hydration IV was… well… heartbreaking. Not only was she scared of vomiting and already a little traumatized, now they were inserting a needle in her arm. But ever the little warrior (which she totally gets from Issy), she soldiered through. Watching “Vivo” on my iPad definitely helped. The wonderful ladies who were treating her were so gosh darn gentle and understanding of what it is like to help a small and feisty child. They were like shining goddesses of patience. Anyways, after some time, she was able to keep down a popsicle and we were given the all clear to head home, maintain the Zofran regime, and watch for further signs of dehydration. We were given great tips on what to do if she got sick again (please note every kid and case is different so please refer to a medical professional for discharge advice) and when to go back. Luckily, she is on the mend and has been doing so much better. Sometimes, kiddos just get sick and need a little help to get them back on the right track!

After two consecutive trips to the ER, here are my tips and tricks for your (and your kids) survival: 

  • Bring distractions like books, a charged iPad with a show or movie downloaded, and something familiar like a stuffed animal and/or blanket. These things help to distract them and make them feel a little less stressed out.
  • Snacks and water are a must to throw into your bag- after all who knows how long you will be there.
  • Pack a change of clothes/diapers just in case you need them. If you are going to the ER chances are that there is some kind of bodily fluid involved- so think ahead!
  • Have your information ready to go. Don’t be so frazzled that you can’t answer the health care team’s questions. For the sake of your kiddo, have your ducks in a row so that they can get right into treating your loved one. This is a strength of mine; I may feel frazzled but I rarely ever show that in a stressful situation… think cool like a cucumber. 
  • ASK questions as they come up. This may be a bit annoying but will help you understand the road your medical team is taking you down. They can then make sure you really understand and are comfortable with their treatment plan.
  • Don’t be an a%%. Yup, don’t be an a%%. If you are stressed out and a jerk, you really aren’t helping anyone. Did you know in all of our rooms that we had to visit there were signs on the wall about how you can’t assault a healthcare professional? Look, if you have to be told that, then you need to seek some help. You are not only hindering the care of whoever it is you are there for, but your temper just makes you look unreasonable- not the person helping you. If you are annoyed, take a deep breath and revert back to my tip up above: ASK questions. 
  • Bring chargers for your devices. Like I said above, you never know how long you will be there.

Just remember, keep calm. Your kiddo needs you to be strong and sure for them. You got this!

Kendall’s Post Holiday Updates and Looking Ahead

I love my house during the holidays. There are decorations, candles, and whiffs of delicious baked goods. BUT I also love putting it all away. I am a very clean and simple gal. I like clean lines, when everything has a place, and keeping clutter at a minimum. Getting lost in the holiday festivities is something I love doing every year. Spending time with my family without very many concrete plans is refreshing and comforting. Yet I can’t wait until it’s back to business as usual in our household. 

My husband is back at work after some much deserved time off from work AND school (he is getting his MA). Rosemary isn’t overwhelmed by holiday treats and the constant influx of gifts from family and friends via a delivery service or a knock on the door. There is peace in our household. The many things I sort of put to the side (like practicing STEM activities and potty training) are now back front and center. I feel like I can now focus on everything I need to get done this coming year. My lists are made. My timeline is being finalized. I am ready for you, 2022. 

Christmas (specifically) is the happiest time of my year. I will miss it and wish for it to get here sooner but until then- I am looking forward to everything on the docket. Vermont has a lot to keep us busy until the start of next winter. We have snow in the coming months which means skiing and snowshoeing for our family. Planting and mulching will happen in mid- April in preparation for the plants blooming during the spring. Pool time and BBQing in the summer will get us outside and enjoying the sunshine. Fall leaves and change bring maple syrup treats, traveling through Smuggler’s Notch, and my personal time of renewal. I can’t wait for it all. SO, thank you holiday season 2021- you were full of fun, laughter, tradition, and relaxation. You came at the perfect time for our family and we can’t wait to see you again- hasta luego!

Photo by cottonbro on

Shari’s Thoughts on Her New Year Home Refresh

After taking down the Christmas decorations, I spiraled into a cleaning and organizing rampage. I didn’t realize how much clutter the holidays can bring from storing gifts, receiving gifts, constantly wrapping gifts, along with adding more and more decorations to our already decorated home. My small space felt full yet still cozy, so I really didn’t mind. Once the holidays wrapped up and my husband and I started clearing out the tree, decorations, and finding homes for our new gifts then we could see our living space again and wow, just wow. 

I was so inspired by the sight of it that I decided everything needed to be dusted, the floors completely swept and mopped and some deep cleaning to start off the new year… which led to my post-holiday home refresh!

So how did I ring in the new year? Well thanks for asking! I rang in the new year by testing out my “new” steam mop (ahem I might have bought it in July)! It worked like a dream. My place is beautiful, clean and ready for 2022! My next tasks are to tackle each room and do the same… dust, vacuum, mop, and organize. I got most of our master bedroom accomplished as well. All in time for me to go back to the office, ha. 

Coming home every day this week has been a dream come true. To see our space not cluttered but open and clean has been the best gift I could have given myself entering the new year. I wouldn’t consider myself someone who likes to clean but I love when things are tidy and in their place. So the combination of both clean and tidy is a lovely combination. So how can you do this for yourself? 

It’s not rocket science or anything complex or complicated. You can follow these basic steps to get you started on a new year home refresh:

1. Simply pick one room or area in your house or apartment to start with. 

2. Clean up any piles or clutter that you’ve been avoiding or letting stack up. I know you have them, we all do. Throw stuff that isn’t important away. You’d be surprised with the items you hang onto but don’t need.

3. Dust by taking items off the shelf or surface of what you’re cleaning.

4. Move furniture to sweep and/steam mop.

5. Find a place or container for things so that you can keep it organized for a longer period of time.

6. Label and group items in areas that make sense and are helpful to you.

7. Ultimately once you are done, sit back and enjoy the beauty of your own home. 

This is the process I used last week to declutter and refresh my home and let me tell you… it was worth the time and effort! Happy home refresh and have a sparkling clean new year!