Shari’s Initial Thoughts on Pregnancy

This week we did something big, we finally publicly announced our pregnancy. Most of our family and friends already knew and it wasn’t some huge secret but I didn’t want to post anything on social media (or The Salty Exchange) until after we got to see our little girl on the 20 week anatomy ultrasound. This ultrasound was the first time we got to see our baby since the 6 week ultrasound to confirm the pregnancy. Why is it that women aren’t able to have ultrasounds once a month at their OB appointments, huh? There are quite a few issues I have surrounding medical care in regards to pregnancy but I will save that for another blog post and I am sure Kendall will gladly chime in, ha!

My first trimester (like most women) involved several weeks of nausea. The best way I could describe it was 24/7 flu but without throwing up, just nauseous and achy… ALL THE DAMN TIME! After 2 weeks of that I called my doctor to request some pregnancy safe anti-nausea medicine because I was starting to feel depressed by how awful I felt. The only words of comfort to me at the time were, “In most cases, sickness is directly correlated to good fetal health,” or, “Just take the anti-nausea medicine, if someone judges you they have their own issues.” Luckily this part only lasted four weeks for me (weeks 6 – 11 of pregnancy) which happened to be during Thanksgiving time. By Christmas I was almost in my second trimester and already feeling better. The aversions to certain foods persisted into my second trimester but not nearly as nauseous inducing as they had been. My poor husband couldn’t eat ANY meat around me, which was hard for him because he is still eating pretty clean and that includes a lot of meat and veggies.

Along those lines, I now understand why women eat fairly terribly during pregnancy and it is honestly because NOTHING sounds or looks or smells good. I had these lofty dreams of eating salads and smoothies and making nutritious meals but when my nausea hit, I could barely make toast, let alone think of something nutritious that didn’t make me queasy. All that to say, I am glad that part of pregnancy is behind me although some women say some nausea comes back in the third trimester, I am hoping that isn’t the case for me. Another thing I’ve realized is that pregnancy is so incredibly different from person to person. My experience could be relatable to some and not to others. Some women brag about their easy pregnancies and what they credit their lack of symptoms to but that isn’t fair because not everyone will have the same experience and every experience is valid. Kendall told me multiple times when I was in the thick of my nausea, she told me to remember this part of pregnancy because too often women forget how hard and awful those moments are because they don’t last forever. I think that was some of the best advice because I can now empathize with other women in their first trimester who are dealing with the sickness that can accompany major body changes and fetal development. It’s no joke and it was helpful for me to know that I wasn’t in it alone and that other women understood my discomfort.

Now I transition into the latter part of my pregnancy journey. The end of the second trimester and onto the third which will be followed by (drum roll please) the birth of our baby girl. I am trying to stay open and positive about birth but I am not going to lie, that part of the process is intimidating too. I keep reminding myself that women are created for this. This week, seeing baby in the ultrasound reminded me that we are made to create, grow, and give life. Women are amazing. I am amazing. My body is doing something I can’t even fathom, honestly. Baby had her little hands in her face during the ultrasound, opening and closing her mouth… I could envision her doing that outside the womb with cute coo’s and baby squeaks to accompany those precious movements. I cannot wait to meet her, hold her and watch her grow, but I am also stopping in this moment to enjoy the process happening inside me; so intricate, so beautiful, and so primal. Pregnancy is wild. What an adventure!

Baby Girl – 20 weeks

Kendall’s Hair Product Reviews

Kendall’s Hair Product Reviews

My name is Kendall and I like to color my hair. Really, I am sort of down to try anything. I have permed my hair (still a favorite look to this day), cut it off into a “boy cut,” grown it out, bleached it blonde, chopped some bangs, and begun again. For the amount of things I have done to my hair, it is still in pretty amazing shape. I owe that to wonderful hairstylists over the years and GOOD product. If you are someone like me who is constantly changing up your hair, you know that picking quality products is a must… and also an added expense to already pricey trips to the salon. My hair is sort of the one thing I do for myself. I love a fresh cut and color- it makes me feel like less of a person who spends all day mothering and getting bossed around by my toddler. To make it last (and therefore, that feeling last) I get the right products to keep my hair looking good until my next salon visit.

As I said above, salon products are expensive. Some people spend money on takeout, regular clothes shopping, or whatever hobby they may have. I spend money on my hair and skin care. I rarely buy new clothes and we limit takeout (usually- pregnancy has made this more challenging but on the whole, we keep it under control). My husband spends money on guitar items like pedals, strings, and other things I don’t understand. I buy quality hair oil. Potato, Patato. Anyways, here are some reviews of my favorite salon products:

** Please note that below items are a bit on the pricier side but also last a long time IF used properly. You would be shocked at how many of us use our products incorrectly AND actually shampoo/condition our hair incorrectly. Please chat with a stylist for tips regarding your personal hair care regime. And my reviews are just my opinions. No one is paying me anything!

Pureology– As a regular colorer of my hair, I need a good shampoo and conditioner duo that keep my hair vibrant and healthy. This is a favorite. It doesn’t strip the color prematurely and keeps my hair hydrated. I specifically use the Hydrate formula that’s in a purple bottle. Heaven. Bonus: 100% Vegan formula and Pureology does not test on animals.

Kevin Murphy– Coming to you from Australia, Kevin Murphy is seriously good product for your hair. I have used several different formulas from them depending on my current hair situation. A stylist should know which to recommend after working with your hair. Not only are the products wonderful on your hair, but they smell and feel luxurious. The brand also is an advocate for sustainability in terms of packaging AND ingredients.

Pulp Riot by Barcelona: Need to keep your tone that pretty lighter shade? Look no further. Pulp Riot is an essential for those of us who go cool blonde every one in a while. Essentially, the Pulp Riot shampoo will keep your hair from getting that brassy look. I usually pair this with a Kevin Murphy conditioner. Total perfection. Also, it’s 100% Vegan!

Prose: Yup, I tried it. Actually, I used it today. Instagram and Facebook got me. Essentially, you take a quiz about your hair. Be honest or you might not get good results. I have not “subscribed” and probably won’t. With that said, I actually like my personalized formula. I ended up purchasing a pre-shampoo mask, shampoo, and conditioner. So far, it has worked really well. I appreciate that they give you super specific instructions on how to use the products. They are a certified B corp and put lots of resources in to R&D. I am interested to see how they evolve and if they make it in the current market. I think I will continue to buy as needed but not do their monthly subscription option.

With all of the above laid out for you, I should be honest that I swap back and forth depending on what’s in my shower/what I think my hair needs. I don’t like to use the same product over and over. I also no longer wash my hair every day. At present, I am washing it every 3-4 days and then rotating through my products. My hair tends to rebel when I use something over and over so variety seems to be good for it. The things I do use every wash are listed below!

Leave-In Treatments
Pureology Color Fanatic Leave-In– This has 21 ingredients to keep your hair protected. Spray it in after you get out of the shower. It’s lovely.

Bumble and Bumble’s Hairdresser’s Invisible Oil Heat/UV Protection Primer– I swap between the Pureology and this. This is great in the summer to protect my hair from the sun. It also keeps my hair from getting too dried out and instead keeps it nice and conditioned until my next hair wash.

Bumble and Bumble’s Grooming Creme– Frizzy hair got you down? Throw some of this in right after your leave-in conditioner. A little goes a LONG way so don’t go crazy. I make one of these last a year or more.

Bumble and Bumble’s Hairdresser’s Invisible Oil– This. Has. Saved. My. Hair. Once again, a little goes A LONG way. If I purchase the 3.4 fl oz, it will last almost a year. Maybe more. Personally, my ends dry up super easily. This helps. A lot! Put it on after you do your leave-in sprays and creme stuff. It’s the perfect finish before you style (or if you let your hair air dry like me!).

The Day After
Ok, dry shampoo. I have had a really hard time finding a decent one. I am weird about the texture they can leave after I spray my roots. It’s sort of crispy at times… and that drove me crazy- even if my hair looked decent. BUT, once I found Bumble and Bumble’s Post Workout Dry Shampoo Mist, I was super happy. Instead of a dry feeling on my scalp, it hydrated my scalp… and didn’t mix with my my morning workout sweat to look super oily. This is a winner for me. Also, it lasts a while.

IF you are in the Burlington area, please check out Indigo. It’s down on Battery Street. The variety of product they offer and the skills of the stylists are some of the best I have ever experienced. Bonnie is my hairstylist and a saint. She keeps up with whatever is in my head and brings it to life. I should tell you that this changes about every three months or so (insert facepalm here). I also recommend Willowbstylist. Full disclosure: I have not been to her new salon but she was my original hairstylist at Indigo and has a TON of experience- and she totally fixed my very messed up hair… that was not an easy feat and was slightly embarrassing as a first time client but she made me feel human again. She is also a saint.

Kendall: The Motherhood Saga Continued…

Being a mom to a toddler is a bit of an emotional roller coaster. On any given day you can be loved, kicked, screamed at, snuggled with, cherished, or hated. It’s a total mind f^#$. 

My toddler is so… smart. She knows her numbers, colors, shapes, and emotions. But as a toddler she also completely lacks the skills to instantly recognize her feelings and then act appropriately. To be fair, we probably all know some adults that are like this. Regardless, she is fascinating. Watching her little brain learn and process things is a total privilege. Albeit, one that sometimes requires me to hide in the pantry for a five minute sanity break. 

She wants space but all she wants are snuggles. Her desire for independence is only eclipsed by her panic that comes on when she realizes I am not in the living room but upstairs swapping out the laundry. As her dad and I have gotten to know more of who she is becoming we have been left with lots of questions. Are we doing enough? Are we being taken seriously as her parents? How do we address certain behavioral issues that are TOTALLY normal for a toddler? How do we give her independence with boundaries? How do we teach her that it’s okay to have lots of feelings and the words to express those feelings? How do we not overly validate everything so that she learns and doesn’t just become some jerk of an adult? The questions are endless and the answers are few. 

Some days it feels like I get nothing right. Others, it feels like I am “on” and totally winning the whole motherhood game. What I have learned about myself is this: I am enough. My daughter has shown me that through all of her tantrums, joys, games, laughs, and frustrations that I am enough. She loves me, forgives me, and encourages me. When you receive that from a child, it totally changes you… at least it has for me! I was never certain about being a mom. I thought I might be too selfish to really be any good at it. Loving Rosemary has made me a more giving and kind person.

Being a mom is just one part of who I am. Yet at present as a stay at home mom, it is sort of the most dominant part of myself. Every part of my day centers around my daughter. I am a glorified chef, playmate, nurse, and therapist to my three year old. Where in all of that stuff am I? Does it even matter? Well, yes, it does matter. When I have consistent breaks, I mother better. I am more patient, tender, and level headed. Finding moments to take breaks is hard. They won’t always be, but right now they are. With Issy working and in grad school, our routine is different. He is working his butt off to achieve something really wonderful; something I understand. Higher education is a total privilege and worth the blood, sweat, and tears. When I was in grad school, I didn’t have a lot of support. I handled working and school all on my own without a cheerleader. Being there for my husband is really important to me. This crazy time in our life will pass. Very soon actually! What will we do when he has all of his free time back? Don’t worry- I have a list for him! Haha. And it’s one he can’t wait to jump on. We will also have a new baby and therefore, a whole new dynamic to figure out. It’s daunting. But, together, we have always figured it all out.

Things are going to change a lot in the next few months. Who I am as a mother will change. The saga will continue. I’ll keep you updated.

Shari’s Thoughts on COVID and “A New Normal”

Shari’s Thoughts on COVID and “A New Normal”

We are still living in weird times. So many people are still divided on whether or not covid was some governmental conspiracy or if we are really on our way out of it all and back to normal (whatever normal means these days). I tiptoe on the line of wanting to be respectful and cautious but also being totally over the division and lack of clarity of it all. Covid has transformed over the past two years from a scary death machine to something that seems more mainstream, like the common cold. I have heard every theory and conversation about the vaccine and what is good and bad about it. I have laughed at my fair share of memes, I’ve had mask-ne (yes, that is mask induced acne), and I caught covid in January after being innocently exposed by a friend who was unaware she had it.

My thoughts and feelings about avoiding it or being overly cautious have slightly fallen to the wayside and I err more on the side of just wanting to be with my people again. I want to see your face. I want to hug you. I want to go to a big event and enjoy the non-verbal communication going on all around me, the smiles, the waves, the facial expressions. I don’t believe that masks are bad. I believe they help and they are needed but I am not pro-mask all the time either because it is scientifically proven that breathing in your own air all day isn’t good for you.  Regardless I am not here to debate, quite frankly if you start to debate with me I will say “you win” and walk away. That is the level of over-it I am these days.

One thing I keep coming back to is the effect on our social skills, what will be considered “normal” as we emerge out of this pandemic season? Are we going to have people that are still being cautious and don’t rsvp to your in-person gathering? Are we going to have massive, mask-free, and mosh-pit type events again? I feel like we are bordering on these extremes. People are a little social norm confused and I do NOT blame them. I sort of am too, and I am an EVENT PLANNER! How do we respect people’s comfort levels but also press forward with life? I guess, the answer is that at some point we will probably offend someone.

After I had covid in January I got on an airplane and flew to San Francisco for work. I had followed the CDC and my companies requirements to isolate before traveling and wore my N95 mask everywhere to be extra safe and cautious; no one I was with got sick, I felt good to travel, and overall had a great trip. I credit my mild symptoms and ability to get back to reality so quickly to the fact that I got vaccinated last April/May and got the booster in December. I am not going to make anyone feel bad about not getting vaccinated (that isn’t how I roll) I believe you should be able to choose, however, I was shocked with how several of my friends judged my travel after having covid. I didn’t realize that there was a level of discomfort that even I had contributed too in earlier months when I hadn’t been exposed or sick yet.

I immediately felt bad that I ever judged anyone for getting covid and not quarantining for “long enough” whatever that even means or meant. I even looked at the event my company was hosting in San Francisco differently. I wasn’t nervous to travel for worry of getting exposed or sick. The feeling was liberating and I wanted everyone to feel the same way I did. But I know that will never happen. We are humans with varied opinions, agendas, backgrounds, and experiences. We wont feel the same, clearly, and several people will probably talk really loud about it and share their views on social media. However, I hope (and pray) that the feeling of normalcy will enter the chat sooner than later. With mask mandates lifting and no new news of another variant on the horizon, I think hope for a new normal is in the air!

Please note that the above is not written to be divisive. I firmly believe in everyone taking care of themselves to the best of their abilities and am open to the fact that what that means looks a little different to us all and is always changing. Please be safe and if you have any questions regarding current COVID news and guidelines, see the CDC’s website.

Shari’s Open Love Letter to Her Husband

Dear Alex,

Although it feels weird to gush about you on the internet, I believe others deserve to know what an amazing individual you are. It’s true. I completely lucked out in the husband department. You are my best friend, my confidant, my rock, and my safe space. Whether it is watching a new tv show together, laughing at something ridiculous, or planning our next adventure… doing life with you is so incredibly fun and fulfilling.

Thank you for being considerate of my feelings and going out of your way to take out the garbage or run a quick errand for me with no complaints. I know that most men aren’t this accommodating and expect their wives to do it all. I am so grateful that you don’t allow that double standard; you are my partner and helper and I appreciate you so much. You encourage my independence and yet you are always there when I need you the most. I joke that marriage has made me soft, but it’s actually quite beautiful to be able to fall more and more in love with the man I married. I try to never take you and your kindness for granted.

Adventuring with you has brought me so much joy. I love seeing some of the prettiest mountain vistas with you and summiting to the next impossibly possible peak. You make every hike an adventure and every exhausting mile worth pushing onward. I always look forward to our final destination and the moment I get to see that huge smile on your face. I’d hike a million more trails with you just to enjoy your reaction at the top. Amazing backpacking destinations, day-hikes to the sky, snowshoeing through wintery wonderlands, or rainy comfy cozy cabin getaways… with you they are all the best trips I’ve ever taken.

I’m grateful for your calming presence, your quick wit, and your genuine care for others. You, my love, are a gem and I am honored to be by your side in this life.

All my love,


Kendall and Issy’s Love Letter to Their Daughter

Dearest Valentine,

You are exceptional. Whether we are snuggling or playing with your kitchen set, you always have time for a kiss. You share your food without complaint. No one gives hugs quite like you. Your eagerness to learn everything is inspirational.

This Valentine’s Day we want you to know that you hold our hearts. You’ve seen us be great parents… and you have seen us fail as we scramble to keep up with your toddler heart. You, dear one, have shown us what it means to love fully and unconditionally. We knew love before you but we didn’t really understand how deep love could go. It is a whole other level of being that we were never aware existed. You are incredibly fearless, smart, and beautiful. We want to give you everything we can. So, on this day of love and every day, please know that you inspire us to be better, driven, and loving. You are our hearts walking around outside of our bodies. We know you don’t understand that, but trust mama and daddy when we say, that’s the ultimate power. 

Keep dancing, singing, coloring, running, creating, and being you. You are the perfect Valentine. We love you oh so much. We love you to and through the delta quadrant and back. A million times. 


Mama and Daddy

Kendall: Pregnancy #2

If you have read any of my other blogs about pregnancy, you might remember that I hated being pregnant. Like, hated it. I was in so much pain. Depression dominated most of the second and third trimesters. I was not myself. But… Rosemary was worth every single moment of that pregnancy. Regardless, I wasn’t sure I wanted to do that to myself or my marriage again. 

For a while we were on the fence about a second kid. And then, we promptly decided it was not on the table. I would like to say this is where God laughed. The pandemic happened. We were locked down at home. It was during this time that my mind began to change. The COVID-19 pandemic showed me something super clear; if something happened to Issy or I we never wanted Rosemary to be alone. She needed a sibling. 

We agreed to put off the “official decision” until Issy was done with graduate school. BUT in the spring of 2021, I knew that if a second baby was going to happen, it needed to be sooner rather than later. This wasn’t because I felt an urgent need for a baby. Honestly, I knew if we waited until the end of 2022/early 2023, I may not be up to it. It took a while for me to really become a stronger version of myself both physically and mentally after Rosemary’s birth. Our marriage has been in a super strong place (COVID brought us closer in every way rather than driving us apart like it did for so many). Everything just felt “right.” I didn’t want that to fade. 

So, we took our time, talked to my doctor, and just started trying to have a baby. That’s code for “doing it” a lot. This fall, it happened. My first trimester was tough but not as tough as the first trimester in 2018. My food aversions were there but, once again, not bad. There were some bad days… but nothing compared to my 2018 pregnancy. We were excited to share the news with the people we love during the holiday season and, finally, celebrate something other than a vaccine shot. 

At present, I am 22.5 weeks. I am feeling good. Everything seems to be in a good place. The nursery is pretty much set up (minus the artwork). Rosemary is beginning to understand there is a baby in my belly. She is beyond happy to sing her baby brother songs and give him morning kisses. For the sake of my mental health I am relieved that this pregnancy hasn’t seemed to take me down. It also helps that I am better at communicating my feelings and needs with the people around me. Talking to my girlfriends via Marco Polo has also helped. I feel so connected to them and oddly enough, a lot of us are all in the same place in terms of being pregnant or having children. It’s nice to have a tribe.

My current cravings include broccoli, strawberries, yogurt, strawberry cake, strawberry shortcake, chocolate covered strawberries, hummus, roasted carrots, and Jeni’s Splendid Ice Creams. I get sleepy easily and my belly is starting to feel nice and heavy. While this pregnancy hasn’t been as tough, I still don’t love the whole process. I am just not that woman. BUT, I do have a massive appreciation for what my body is able to do and what it is able to handle. I feel stronger than I ever have despite the random aches and pains. 

What (or should I say who) I am really grateful for in this whole process is my husband. He has been such a loving force for me. The other night I curled into him and started crying. I didn’t know why. My hormones just needed to get it out of my system and he was there for all of it. I love that he sings to the baby and reaches for my belly at night time. It’s peaceful. 

I can’t wait to meet my little man. 

Shari’s Ideas for Valentine’s Day

I have to dedicate this Valentine’s Day post to my Aunt Kory who is currently fighting brain cancer. She isn’t just a typical aunt; she is also my godmother and a super influential person in my life. One of my favorite things about her (and my Uncle Arv) was their dedication to commercial holidays. But seriously though, I’d always get Halloween, Valentine’s, and even St. Patrick’s Day cards from them and usually a little treat to go along with it. So in honor of Aunt Kory, I am pulling up some ideas for you to use on the ones you love. Here is the easy three step process for special holiday gifting.

First, you will need to pick out a really fun card that celebrates the holiday. Be thoughtful about it! The card should make you think of the person you are giving it to. For example, I had a black cat named Pearl and my uncle and aunt would always get me a Halloween card with a black cat… such a cute and personal touch that I appreciated! 

Secondly, a treat… not just any treat, preferably candy that is on theme for the holiday. Something you would find in the holiday section. For example a small box of chocolates in a heart shaped box for Valentine’s Day or a large hollow chocolate bunny for Easter. Yep, go all out with the specific holiday treat. 

Lastly, a small gift or trinket to really remember the holiday… maybe even something that the person could wear or use. This item can vary. Arv and Kory were always thoughtful with this trinket. For me, they’d usually get jewelry that would match the holiday. One year I got black cat earrings for Halloween. Another year I got a pink beaded tie necklace for Valentine’s Day. It was always something fun and another way to ring in the holiday cheer. It didn’t matter if the holiday was St. Patrick’s Day or the Fourth of July, I always knew there would be something special coming my way.

You really don’t have to take any notes from my Uncle Arv and Aunt Kory’s playbook but if you do make sure you always sign your card with a lot of x’s and o’s to really make this gift shine in their honor. I joke a lot about learning how to be such a loving and involved Aunt from how my Aunt Kory treated me and my cousins. But it isn’t really a joke, it is true! The past few months have been difficult as I have watched a woman I have admired my entire life slowly (and quickly) lose her ability to communicate effectively, make decisions, and get me these silly but thoughtful gifts. I never took for granted these small commercial holiday tokens of love but as we come up on such a sweet, pink, and mushy holiday… all I can think about is how much I just wish I was receiving a card and a box of chocolates from my Aunt Kory.

Remember that Valentine’s Day isn’t just about couples or romance. It is also about showing the ones you love, that you care. I know you don’t need a holiday to do that and you also don’t need Thanksgiving to show you’re thankful or Christmas to give gifts, but if you can take anything away from these holidays it’s the sentiment behind making others feel cared for and loved. Your actions speak louder than words and it just may make a memory for someone that they will remember long after you are gone. Maybe they’ll even blog about it.