Shari on Planning Baby Showers

Last weekend was my first (of several) baby showers. My best friend went all-out to create the “Baby in Bloom” theme that I wanted. She is so creative she even designed the invites, guestbook picture, and games to all coordinate and match perfectly. My parents opened up their home for the celebration and my girlfriends all poured in with huge smiles on their faces with diapers and gifts in hand. To say I was overwhelmed with gratitude and love would be an understatement. The amount of time and energy it takes to put on any sort of cohesive event isn’t lost on me as an event planner by profession (and nature!).

Since I am fresh off the baby shower train and going right into another one this weekend, I am going to share my tips for making sure you are covering all your baby shower basics.

First, start with a theme. Kristin and I used pinterest to share ideas and design elements. This helped her a lot while she was in the design phase.

Pick a date & venue, check-in with any stakeholders besides you and the person you are planning for and make sure that date works with you all. Plan on sending out invites 6-7 weeks prior to the chosen event date.

Next, layout details… decorations (photo area or wall), games (we did gift bingo, pass the prize, and a diaper raffle), special guestbook, activities (Kristin set up a headband making station), party favors, and plan the food/appetizers/desserts.

As you get closer to sending out the invites make sure you are gathering or creating those details and decorations. The sooner you can check those tasks off your list, the less you will be scrambling the weeks leading up to the shower.

Prepare for the set up and flow for the day of. Is there any coordination you need to do prior? Food to prepare, decorations to arrange, etc. Give yourself time to set up. Plan ahead for how long different aspects of the day will take and be flexible.

Day of item checklist: you can make this as simple or detailed as you like

  • Decorations/Signs
  • Food/Drinks (special containers or plates, serving utensils)
  • Plates/Utensils/Cups/Napkins
  • Bluetooth speaker (charged)
  • Games
  • Guestbook/Pens
  • Activity items
  • Party Favors (set up next to the exit so guests wont miss them)
  • Tables/Chairs
  • Extra helpful items (tape, paper, etc)

I hope this is helpful! You can translate it over to bridal showers, bachelorette type parties, birthday parties, you name it… most events are the same in some way. For me, it is always in the details. Cute curated center pieces, dessert to match the theme, or party favors that people actually want (ha)! It is fun to plan and execute a special day for someone you love. It is so special to be the one that someone is planning for as well. Although I love events and being with my friends, it is hard to be the center of attention. I tend to speed through introductions and gift opening to get “all” eyes off me as fast as possible (and I am an extrovert!) but I remind myself constantly to slow down, enjoy the food, take some pictures, visit with people, and relax.

This weekend is my family baby shower with a few friends that feel like family sprinkled in. I am so excited to have my relatives gather to celebrate this new addition to our family. I know my heart will burst with all the love and well wishes we will receive this weekend. My coworkers are putting on a shower for me next week, and a few friends who weren’t able to make it last weekend are gathering together to celebrate later in May. I know, probably a little excessive but I am not going to say ‘no’ to my friends, family, and coworkers who want to join in with us and welcome in this new season of life with a little one. Let us eat cake and prepare to have a BABY!

Photo of the backdrop and banner that Kristin (right) made!

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