SHARI: Life After the Post-Partum Haze

Where have Kendall and I gone?! Nowhere in particular.

For me, the past two months (or really since my baby’s first birthday in July) have been about finding me again. I got kind of lost in the post-partum haze. Not in a bad way though, I think the first year of a baby’s life should be about them… caring for them, nurturing them, loving them, and watching them hit milestone after milestone. I enjoyed Koralyn’s first year of life. It didn’t fly by it took the perfect amount of time. It is a year I will replay in my head and look back fondly on. I gave myself and my body so much grace. I didn’t want to bounce back, I didn’t want to workout as punishment for my soft squishy body… I mean, I was feeding a tiny human and producing more milk than I ever imagined. Every ounce of my energy quite literally went to my baby and wow, did she grow and excel. I’m so proud of us both. Although it is hard for me to admit that work and the rest of my sweet family got a very low-energy version of me (kidding but not).

Those of you in the depths post-partum or on the brink of it… it’s really nothing to fear and for most people it can last longer than a year (technically up to seven years). My best advice is to give you during post-partum is to give yourself so much grace and then when a weird expectation or self-loathing shows up, consciously say NO to those thoughts! They will never serve you. Also stay aware of how you are feeling. Post-partum depression is sneaky. Reach out to mom-friends for support. Talk about how you are feeling, do not bottle it up. Your spouse or partner cannot read your mind no matter how ‘in-tune’ with you they are. Ask for help even when you think you don’t need it. Delegate tasks, you are running at a lower speed than normal. Try your best to stop comparing yourself and/or your baby to others. Milestones happen over time and your baby will hit them when they are ready. You deserve to heal and conserve that precious energy and brain power. Being a mom is a lot. Sending you a giant comforting and encouraging hug.

Something shifted for me after Koralyn’s first birthday. Still breastfeeding, although significantly less, I decided I wanted to workout again because it simply feels good to move and lift with a purpose. I wasn’t sedentary for 12 months but “working out” for me consisted of walks, stretching, and lifting my baby CONSTANTLY! So I re-joined my gym and did a simple 5-day a week workout plan from Bethany Ruth on Instagram. In the first month I lost about 5 lbs, although I was so proud of myself, I knew I wanted to tackle nutrition too. Alex and I chatted with our friend and nutritionist (and also our gym owner) Jackie. She encouraged us to do the Restart Program with her as our nutritionist and we both agreed. Ultimately the program is a sugar detox and focuses on whole foods (NO processed food) along with an education element and weekly meetings with Jackie that Alex and I both really appreciated. We saw results immediately. Different but similar to clean Keto that we did in 2021 (pre-baby).

Today is day 40 of the Restart Program which is technically only a 4-week program and we have clearly stuck with it because we feel good. I feel like I am out of the post-partum haze and getting back to myself and my health again. Koralyn is still a huge priority to me AND I am also a priority. It’s not a perfect system… some days are easier than others to workout or meal-prep but the effort and the work has paid off. My birthday is this month and I am turning 36! I can’t imagine a better way to welcome the next year than by feeling the BEST I can possibly feel while also fueling my body to get stronger. I want to watch my baby grow, I want to play with her, I want to cherish her childhood because I know I am in “the good ole days” and I want to soak it all in! Happy birthday month to me. Bye bye, post-partum haze!